A perfect Italian Sub
2 parts Capacola
2 parts Salami
1 part proscuitto
2 parts Provolone Cheese
Get the sharpest provolone you can.
Get the hottest capacola "hot ham" that you can.
Get the good salami...
don't forget oregeno, onions, tomatos, or you can skip them even and achieve the same effect.
There's nothing complex about it - just get the ratios right and you're good to go.
Rate this! 1-5 stars2 parts Salami
1 part proscuitto
2 parts Provolone Cheese
Get the sharpest provolone you can.
Get the hottest capacola "hot ham" that you can.
Get the good salami...
don't forget oregeno, onions, tomatos, or you can skip them even and achieve the same effect.
There's nothing complex about it - just get the ratios right and you're good to go.
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