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Red grape antioxidant causes more harm than good -


Red grape antioxidant causes more harm than good -

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The study comes from researchers who recommend that eating an antioxidant-rich diet may hinder the health benefits of exercise, such as cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

26 July 2013, USA ( A natural antioxidant found in red grapes, resveratrol, may not be as advantageous as previously thought. New research in older men indicates that it may counteract the benefits of cardiovascular exercise. The study comes from researchers who recommend that eating an antioxidant-rich diet may hinder the health benefits of exercise, such as cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

The researchers note that since aging is linked with impaired vascular functions due to oxidative strain, resveratrol - which has been shown to decrease vascular disease and improve cardiovascular health - was initially expected to improve cardiovascular health in older men.

For 8 weeks, the researchers followed 27 men who were around 65 years of age and in good health. During that time, all men took part in high-intensity exercise, but half of the men obtained 250 mg of resveratrol each day, while the other half obtained a placebo pill.

The study design was double-blinded, thus neither the investigators nor the subjects knew which participant received either resveratrol or placebo. They found that exercise training was highly effective in improving cardiovascular health parameters, but resveratrol supplementation reduced the positive effects of training on several parameters, including blood pressure, maximal oxygen uptake and plasma lipid concentrations.

The men were gaining health benefits from exercising, but the ones who took resveratrol as a daily dose saw many of these advantages effectively wiped out. In short, ingesting too many antioxidants may not be a good thing, but the researchers say that the amount of resveratrol given to the men in the study exceeds what would normally be ingested through food alone.

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RealPharmacy RX 4th lane, Fontana, California, USA, 92337

Balfour Morris is a Medical Student and a freelancer who is specialized in writing. He is associate with many Pharmacies for whom he writes news based on generic drugs and general health related issues.
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Red grape antioxidant causes more harm than good - The study comes from researchers who recommend that eating an antioxidant-rich diet may hinder the health benefits of exercise, such as cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
