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2795 Davis Blvd STe E
NAPLES, FL 34104

Phone: (239) 793-8282

2795 Davis Blvd STe E
NAPLES, FL 34104
(239) 793-8282
Vudija's Tribal Tattoo Tribal
I'm Candice, and I got this tattoo on Dec 2, 2006. The design was created by a friend (Irene Diaz) and the tattoo was done at Art Core of Naples (Florida).
Registered by:
Reategui Gonzalo
NAPLES, FL 34116

Business located at coordinates: 26.138637, -81.771704
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Other info:
Art Core
2795 Davis Blvd
Naples, FL 34104
(239) 793-8282

Other experiences:
Now, I will never forget my 6.6.06

At A Glance Author Nancy Contact Nancy@bme.anon When N/A Artist Chyloe Studio Art Core Location Naples, Fl It started as a joke, but as time passed I discovered that this might well be the best idea for a first tattoo I could imagine. I've already got a couple body mods, including 5/8" ear gauges, but since I just turned eighteen this year, my skin remained ink-free.

Plan one, get the tattoo on my eighteenth birthday. Unsuccessful. Chyloe, the most trusted local tattoo artist had to fly to Chile the day of my birthday, and wouldn't be back for a week or two. After that first week, all the hype and excitement I'd had about the tattoo began to fade.

Four months later and still ink-free, it was June 6th and I decided to spend the day with my good friend Scott. We started the day at the new skatepark that his friends in Team Pain were building. The date that day was 6.6.06, a day to be remembered. I was the only one there with no ink to speak of, and that was it. I decided it was the day. The day I wanted to finally go through with the tattoo.

Scott, Brett, and I head over to Art Core, the best local tattoo parlor, and Chyloe is there. He agrees to do it, after cautioning me about the problems with this particular tattoo. I'd heard them all before, but what I was concerned about most was the pain. Although I have a really high threshold for pain, I thought I'd end up crying.

Chyloe sat me in the chair, everyone in the shop watching, and prepped me for the tattoo. He asks me to hold my lip down, revealing the pinkish, tender pulp of my inner-lip. He does a rough pen outline of what he thinks I want. It looks great, I turn to Brett and Scott for approval, they are both laughing, arms crossed in front of them, nodding their heads frantically in affirmation. I turn back to Chyloe and give him a big smile and tell him it's perfect. He puts cotton-balls inside my mouth and as he leans forward, then stops, I can see his eyes peeking above his mostly masked face, staring right into my wide-eyes. He asks, "Are you gonna be okay? You look like you're about to cry." I laugh, nervously, and pipe out a less-than-believable, "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just psyching myself up for it." He laughs and goes in for the kill.

I squeeze my eyes tight, both hands on my face holding my lip down to make it easier for Chyloe. Suddenly, the first burst of inky taste hits my toungue, it's almost comforting, in its bitterness, because I realize he has started and I can't even feel it. I open my eyes and relax my face. He stops for a second, I think he is still on the M. Chyloe wipes a dab of black drool off my chin, and goes in again. A guy in the shop snaps a photo. Now that I am focusing on it, I can feel the needle pulling through the flesh of my lip. I can hear my flesh tearing apart inside my head while the tattoo gun buzzes away. I feel my eye twitch, and I get a slight shooting pain for a split second then it's gone as my mouth fills with saliva and everything still tastes like ink. One more second and I see Chyloe sit back and pull down his mask. It's over as soon as it began. I start to turn and look in the mirror when he grabs me - "hoooolld on little lady, let me clean you up first." I feel like a little kid as he squeezes my face in one hand and uses a sanitized paper towel to scrub the ink off my mouth and chin with the other hand. I can't quit smiling. Chyloe, a shortish Columbian dude with an array of gorgeous tattoos, has huge gauged out ears but refuses to wear plugs of any sort, with half of his face tattooed looks at me and shakes his head, "That is crazy, you're crazy, I'd never get anything like that done." I'm still laughing while Brett and Scott are yelling at me to show them, I spin around pull down my lip to reveal an ode of devotion on this day of days, the big bold letters on my inner lip that form the word "METAL"

I've never been prouder. Everyone gets a kick out of it and it is a great conversation starter. I know it is kind of ridiculous, but that makes it all the better. I'll be in a room of people, and guys will be showing off their intricate tats as I strut over and say, "You think that's cool? Check this out," in the toughest tone I have, and pull down my lip, trying to hold back my laughter. I will wink, then smile really big which generally causes everyone to start laughing and shaking their heads, asking me over and over if it's real.

All in all I would have to say this is the coolest body mod I've done yet and I'd recommend inner lip tattoos to anyone. Sure, some of the ink has fallen out, but it remains legible and I plan on getting it touched up as many times as I need to, because I absolutely love it. Oh, and it gets me all the dudes.

Service Categories: Tattooing

Keywords: NAPLES,34104,business,Davis Blvd E,geo
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ART CORE 2795 Davis Blvd STe E[nl]NAPLES, FL 34104
