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My Brother, the Original "Mr. Clean."


My Brother, the Original "Mr. Clean."

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Ireland Nancy -- on Mar. 21 2008

My brother, Harry Ireland, of course now owns a maid service.

By Nancy L. Ireland

Naples, FL – For years I have been intimidated by my brother, Harry Ireland’s cleaning habits. I an am artist, and have very “creative” cleaning and organizing habits. But my brother is the extreme opposite; his house is so extremely organized, so clean that he typically has white carpeting and white furniture throughout the house. Everything is not just in it’s place, it is precisely in its place; the magazine is placed at an exactly 45 degree angle. If I pick up the magazine, put it down, look away, when I look back it will be magically into it’s 45 degree angle again. It is hard to believe that we are from the same family. Yes, I am frightened by his cleanness.

Now, of course, he owns a cleaning business.

I think it all started in the military. It was the 5:00 a.m. bugle calls and white glove tests that did this to him. He still gets up early in the morning and is up CLEANS before going to work! Those military people are so clean; and he was a sergeant in the Air Force.

Then I think is was his engineering at Ford Motor Company that deepened the cleanliness condition. Everything is so precise. For over 20 years, he was creating microscopic perfection. No wonder he is like that!

My brother, of course, in choosing to purchase a business, chooses the top-of-the-line franchise in residential cleaning. He has started a business under the franchise leadership of “The Maids®.” The Maids is the industry's quality leader, since is the only residential cleaning franchise to clean for health using the company's “22-Step “Healthy Touch® Deep Cleaning System.” This unique cleaning method provides customers with cleaner, healthier homes through using environmentally preferable cleaning products, a strategic, methodic cleaning approach and state-of-the-art equipment. This includes their patented back pack vacuum with HEPA filtration that can capture up to 99 percent of all dust, allergens, bacteria, pet dander, pollen and other pollutants. The Maids has more than 164 franchise partners serving over 90 major US and Canadian cities. The Maids offices can be found in over 40 US states and four Canadian provinces.

So why is my brother the original Mr. Clean? First of all, I think he might be a little older than the “other Mr. Clean.” Second, my bother lives a clean life. He has been married over 30 years, is loyal to his wife, attends church, and is honest and upright. So perhaps a better name for him may be “The ULTIMATE Mr. Clean!”

My bother, Harry Ireland’s business is called “The Maids of Naples” and serves Bonita Springs, Marco Island, Naples, Ft. Myers Beach, Estero and surrounding areas. The Maids of Naples may be contacted at 239-774-6243 or visit them online at for a free estimate.

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My Brother, the Original
