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See rats in a neighbor's foreclosed home in Naples? Let Ken know! 239-465-9291


See rats in a neighbor's foreclosed home in Naples? Let Ken know! 239-465-9291

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avatarUdut, Kenneth -- on May 1 2008, from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.

Inspired by the Neighborhood Safety Initiative by Undersheriff Kevin Rambosk, NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping wants to help too. NWCOA-Logoz.jpg

Foreclosed (abandoned) homes are a reality in Naples right now.

Crime surrounding foreclosed homes can destroy the neighborhood's property value!

Undersheriff Kevin Rambosk, of the Collier County Sheriff's Office, announced this morning the Neighborhood Safety Initiative, where he calls upon all neighbors of a foreclosed home, to keep and eye out and let the sheriff's office know about any criminal activity (or suspected criminal activity, such as an illegal grow house, or squatters).

Inspired by this, NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping wants to help too. If you see rats, critters, or bees/wasps around a foreclosed home, let us know. Call Ken at 465-9291 and let me know. I'll try to track down WHO owns the property, or who manages it, or, well to be honest, who would be able/willing to pay us for the work.

And once we do that, we can help, in our own way, clean up your neighborhood.

And keep your house from getting rats too.

So please keep your eyes open.

Tell the Sheriff if there is unwelcome people activity.

Call Ken @ 465-9291 if there is unwelcome critter activity.

Kenneth Udut NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping 239-465-9291 Naples, FL email:

Things you can do first:

roofrats.jpg If these measures don't work, call us @ 465-9291.
555 1 rate


Simplify3 on May 1 2008 edit · delete
P.S: NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping is not officially affiliated with the Collier County Sheriff's Office. We're simply inspired by the Neighborhood Safety Initiative and want to help make sure the neighborhoods STAY clean. [and yes, we also have an Adopt-A-Road - on Desoto Blvd off Golden Gate Blvd so we put our muscle where our mouths are! We believe in keeping Naples clean]
See rats in a neighbor's foreclosed home in Naples? Let Ken know! 239-465-9291 Inspired by the Neighborhood Safety Initiative by Undersheriff Kevin Rambosk, NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping wants to help too.[image=405]
