FAMILY | GENUS | SPECIES: RUBIACEAE | Richardia | scabra Scientific Name:Richardia scabra NATIVE TO COLLIER COUNTY FL?: N
note: I've also heard that this is PURSLEY, which *is* native to Florida.
But did you know that Pursley is edible? You can cook it like mustard greens or use it as bitters in a salad for variety. In the case of my lawn, I love having the pursley there, as it covers up the bare spots in our poor soil and keeps the hills around my house from collapsing!
note: I've also heard that this is PURSLEY, which *is* native to Florida.
" What is that weed that reminds us northerners of snow on our lawns? If I have had one person ask me, I have had a dozen.
The weed is Florida pusley (Richardia scabra) and is a native to Florida. This weed is aggressive and will take over turf areas which are thin from irrigation, bug or fungus problems. The leaves and stems are hairy with opposite leaves. The flowers start white and turn to purple as they age. This weed grows into a large clump forming from a single stem. This makes the weed easy to remove physically when you have a small infestation and if you enjoy pulling weeds I highly recommend you get the upper hand on pusley with this environmentally friendly method.
If your lawn is adjacent to a vacant lot or to a lawn which is poorly maintained and is infested with Florida pusley, it will be a constant battle to control this weed in your lawn since it spreads by seed. Weeds can get a foothold in your lawn in areas where the grass is thin or weak. "
But did you know that Pursley is edible? You can cook it like mustard greens or use it as bitters in a salad for variety. In the case of my lawn, I love having the pursley there, as it covers up the bare spots in our poor soil and keeps the hills around my house from collapsing!
Udut, Kenneth on Jan. 9 2009 edit · delete
Oh! The quote is from: which is an article in the Marco Newspaper.
Oh! The quote is from: which is an article in the Marco Newspaper.