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Plants for Zone 10 (Naples Florida)


Plants for Zone 10 (Naples Florida)

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avatarUdut, Kenneth -- on Feb. 24 2009, from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.

Shrubs and Trees and vines and other plants that grow well in SWFLA

Note: For Collier County, FL Native Plants (with individual descriptions and pictures) see: COLLIER COUNTY PLANTS

USDA Zone 10: Trees/Shrubs

Acacia, sweet (Acacia farnesiana)
Anisacanthus, flame or Wright (Anisacanthus quadrifidus)
Arborvitae, Oriental (Thuja orientalis, also Platycladus orientalis)
Ash, Southern prickly, Hercules' club (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis)
Ash, water (Fraxinus caroliniana)
Aucuba (Aucuba japonica)
Avocado (Persea americana)
Baccharis, Eastern, or groundsel bush, salt bush (Baccharis halimifolia)
Banana shrub (Michelia figo), West Coast
Bay-cedar (Suriana maritima)
Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)
Bird-of-Paradise, Mexican (Caesalpinia mexicana)
Blackbead, ebony (Pithecellobium flexicaule)
Bottlebrush, Albany (Callistemon speciosus)
Bottlebrush, lemon (Callistemon citrinus)
Bottlebrush, narrow-leafed (Callistemon linearis)
Bottlebrush, pink-tipped (Callistemon salignus)
Bottlebrush, rigid, stiff bottlebrush (Callistemon rigidus)
Bottlebrush, weeping (Callistemon viminalis)
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp.)
Boxthorn (Severinia buxifolia)
Buckthorn, tough (Bumelia tenax)
Bumelia (Bumelia anomala)
Camellia, Japanese (Camellia japonica), West Coast
Camellia, Yennan (Camellia reticulata)
Candlebush (Senna alata)
Cardboard plant (Zamia furfuracea)
Cassia, desert (Senna polyphylla)
Century plant (Agave americana)
Cherrylaurel, Carolina (Prunus caroliniana)
Citrus (Citrus sp.)
Coontie (Zamia floridana)
Copperleaf (Acalypha wilkesiana)
Coral-bean (Erythrina x bidwellii)
Coral tree, cockspur coral tree (Erythrina crista-galli)
Coral bean, Cherokee bean (Erythrina herbacea)
Cottonwood, black (Populus balsamifera)
Cypress, bald (Taxodium distichum), deciduous conifer
Damianita (Chrysactinia mexicana)
Devil's backbone (Pedilanthus tithymaloides)
Duster, fairy or pink fairy; also, mock mesquite (Calliandra eriophylla), semi-evergreen
Escallonia (Escallonia)
Eucalyptus, gum tree (Eucalyptus sp.)
Eucalyptus, lemon (Eucalyptus citriodora)
Fatsia, Japanese (Fatsia japonica)
Fig (Ficus carica)
Fig, shortleaf, wild banyan tree (Ficus citrifolia)
Fig, strangler (Ficus aurea)
Firebush, scarlet bush (Hamelia patens)
Firethorn, formosa (Pyracantha koidzumii)
Frangipani (Plumeria sp.)
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
Germander, bush (Teucrium fruticans)
Gimlet, narrow-leafed (Eucalyptus spathulata)
Gopher apple (Licania michauxii)
Groundsel bush, Salt bush (Baccharis halimifolia)
Guava (also called pineapple guava) (Feijoa sellowiana)
Hawthorn, Indian (Raphiolepis indica)
Hawthorn, Indian, Yeddo hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis umbellata)
Hercules' club, toothache tree (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis)
Hibiscus, Chinese (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Hickory, water (Carya aquatica)
Holly, Dahoon (Ilex cassine)
Holly, yaupon (Ilex vomitoria)
Honeysuckle, cape (Tecomaria capensis)
Inkberry (Scaevola plumieri)
Ixora, flame of the woods (Ixora coccinea)
Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)
Jasmine, dwarf (Jasminum parkeri)
Jerusalem thorn, Mexican palo verde (Parkinsonia aculeata)
Juniper, Southern (Juniperus silicicola)
Kohuhu (Pittosporum tenuifolium)
Kumquat (Fortunella japonica)
Lantana (Lantana)
Lantana, wild sage, button sage (Lantana involucrata)
Laurel, bay or true (Laurus nobilis), West coast
Laurel, cherry (Prunus caroliniana)
Laurel, Texas mountain (Sophora secundiflora)
Lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia)
Lilac, wild or California hybrids (Ceanothus x)
Locust, black (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
Loropetalum, redleaf Chinese (Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum) (West Coast)
Lyonia, rusty (Lyonia ferruginea)
Macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia)
Magnolia, southern (Magnolia grandiflora) (West Coast)
Myrsine (Myrsine guianensis)
Myrtle, true (Myrtus communis)
Myrtle, wax (Myrica cerifera)
Nandina or heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica)
Natal plum (Carissa grandiflora)
Natal plum, dwarf (Carissa grandiflora 'Prostrata')
Necklace pod (Sophora tomentosa)
Oak, Chapman (Quercus chapmanii)
Oak, cork (Quercus suber)
Oak, laurel (Quercus laurifolia), semi-evergreen
Oak, live (Quercus virginiana)
Oak, silk (Grevillea robusta)
Oak, water (Quercus nigra)
Oleander (Nerium oleander)
Olive, Texas (Cordia boissieri)
Orchid-tree, Hong Kong (Bauhinia blakeana)
Orchid-tree, purple (Bauhinia purpurea)
Photinia, red-leaf (Photinia glabra)
Pieris, Himalayan (Pieris formosana var. forrestii), West Coast
Pine, longleaf (Pinus palustris)
Pine, sand (Pinus clausa)
Pine, spruce (Pinus glabra)
Pistache, Chinese, California pistachio (Pistacia vera), West coast
Pistachio (Pistacia vera)
Pittosporum, Japanese (Pittosporum tobira)
Plumbago, leadwort (Plumbago auriculata)
Plum, natal (Carissa grandiflora)
Plum, dwarf natal (Carissa grandiflora 'Prostrata')
Podocarpus, Nagi (Podocarpus nagi)
Podocarpus, yew (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
Princess flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)
Redbay (Persea borbonia)
Redbay, swamp (Persea palustris)
Rosemary, Florida (Ceratiola ericoides)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus)
Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)
Rusty lyonia (Lyonia ferruginea)
Sasanqua, camellia (Camellia sasangua), West Coast
Sage, Texas, Texas Ranger (Leucophyllum frutescens), West Coast
Senna, butterfly bush (Cassia) (semi-evergreen)
Shower of gold, spray of gold (Galphimia gracilis, or Thryallis glauca)
Silver sea oxeye (Borrichia arborescens)
Simpson's stopper, twinberry (Myrcianthes fragrans)
Soapberry, Florida (Sapindus saponaria)
Sumac, lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia)
Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata)
Sunrose (Helianthemum nummularium), West Coast only
Swampbay (Persea palustris)
Tea-olive, Delavay (Osmanthus delavayi), West Coast only
Tea-olive, fragrant (Osmanthus fragrans)
Teatree, broom (Leptospermum scoparium)
Ternstroemia, Japanese, also called Japanese cleyera (Ternstroemia gymnanthera), Zone 10a
Walnut, English (Juglans regia), West coast
Waxmyrtle, southern (Myrica cerifera)
Willow, coastal plain (Salix caroliniana)
Yellowbells, yellow elder (Tecoma stans)

USDA Zone 10: Herbaceous Plants

Angel's trumpet (Brugmansia)
Banana (Musa, Ensete)
Basket-of-gold (Aurinia saxatilis)
Bear's breeches (Acanthus sp.)
Blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
Bluestar (Amsonia)
Caladium (Caladium)
Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus)
Crinum (Crinum sp.)
Crossandra (Crossandra infundibuliformis)
Elephant's ear (Colocasia)
Flax, New Zealand (Phormium)
Ginger (Zingiber, Alpinia)
Golden shrimp plant (Pachystachys lutea)
Hedgenettle, scarlet or Texas betony (Stachys coccinea)
Hibiscus, rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Iris, bearded (Iris hybrids)
Lantana (Lantana), used as an annual
Lily, African (Agapanthus)
Lily (Lilium)
Liriope, lilyturf (Liriope muscari)
Iris, bearded (Iris) hybrids
Mexican heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia)
Moses-in-the-cradle (Tradescantia spathacea, syn. Rhoeo spathacea)
Paperflower, woolly (Psilostrophe tagetina)
Purple heart (Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea', syn. Setcreasea pallida)
Rain lily (Zephyranthes sp.)
Salvia, Sage
Sage, bog (Salvia uliginosa)
Sage, Brazilian (Salvia guaranitica)
Sage, common (Salvia officinalis)
Sage, forsythia (Salvia madrensis)
Sage, Gregg, autumn sage (Salvia greggii)
Sage, mealy-cup (Salvia farinacea)
Salvia, perennial (Salvia x superba)
Sage, rosebud (Salvia involucrata)
Sage, Russian (Perovskia atriplicifolia)
Sage, Texas (Salvia coccinea)

USDA Zone 10: Vines

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp.)
Calico Dutchman's pipe (Aristolochia elegans)
Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens)
Gourd (Curcubita, Lagenaria and Luffa), annual
Mandevilla (Mandevilla sp.)
Moonvine (Ipomoea alba)
Purple hyacinth bean (Lablab purpurea, formerly Dolichos lablab), annual


Collier County Florida Native Plants 1,010,739 bytes, 319 downloads
edited by Udut, Kenneth on Apr. 6 2010 · Zoom
A list of plants native to Collier County - Naples, Florida provided by the local govt.
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Floridakicksass2 _Zone10b_
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on Oct. 11 2009

Where can i purchase: Sophora secundiflora ??
Floridakicksass2 _Zone10b_
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on Oct. 11 2009

Where can i purchase: Sophora secundiflora ??
Floridakicksass2 _Zone10b_
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on Oct. 11 2009

Where can i purchase: Sophora secundiflora ??
Udut, Kenneth
from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Associate, 3508 posts
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inspired from Floridakicksass2 _Zone10b_ on Oct. 11 2009

That's a very good question.

You might be able to find it Golden Gate Nursery on 951.
Floridakicksass2 _Zone10b_
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on Oct. 12 2009

Oct 12 2009 Native south florida trees/shrubs:

1) Mahogany - Swietenia mahagoni 2) Live Oak- Quercus virginiana (overused) 3) Orange Geiger - Cordia sebestena (Highly recommended!) 4) Gumbo Limbo - Bursera simaruba (Highly Recommended!) 5) Silver buttonwood - Conocarpus erectus 'sericeus' (Highly Recommended) (Hedge or Tree) 6) BLACK OLIVE-Bucida buceras ('Shady Lady'cultivar is highly recommended) 6) Paradise tree - Simarouba glauca 7) West Indian cherry - Prunus myrtifolia 8) Wild Tamarind - Lysiloma latisiliquum 9) Cabbage palm - Sabal palmetto 10) Royal Palm 11) Wax Myrtle- Myrica cerifera (Hedge or Tree) 12) Pigeon Plum - Coccoloba diversifolia 13) Lignum Vitae - Guaiacum officinale 14) Wild Lantana - Lantana involucrata 15) Dune Sunflower - Helianthus debilis 16) White Alder - Turnera Subulata 17) Jatropha 'Compacta' 18) Firebush - Hamelia patens 19) Cocoplum - Chrysobalanus icaco (excellent for hedges) 18) SEAGRAPE - Cocoloba uvifera 19) RED BAY - Persea borbonia 20) Prunus caroliniana (best native for hedge) 21) Redberry Stopper - Eugenia confusa 22) Spicewood  - Calyptranthes pallen

21) White Geiger - cordia boissieri (Native to USA- Not Florida) Does extremely well in Florida. Flowers year-round. Highly-Recommended!

Plus: Magnolia and Dahoon Holly are native, however they both require acidic soil which SouthWest FL does not have.
Floridakicksass2 _Zone10b_
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on Oct. 12 2009

  • Oct 12 2009-

Best Flowering Plants (zone 10): -Evergreens that Bloom either continously or most of year-

(7) colors: ( Wht - Yel - Org - Red - Pink - Blue - Purp )

White- White Geiger Std. (Cold tolerant to Zone9) White- White Oleander (Cold tolerant to Zone9) White- Plumeria Pudica/Obtusa Std. (Evergreen Plumeria!) White- Bahama Magnolia Std. (Portlandia Grandiflora- Amazing yet Rare) White- Wrightia Antidysenterica (Drops leaves if temp. under 60degrees) White- Bauhinia tomentosa (multi-color/bush/acidic soil) White- Magnolia (Acidic soil) White: Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost'® White- Turnera Subulata White- Kings Mantle 'Alba' White- Lantana involucrata (wild sage-Native2FL) White- Lady of the night White- Fagrea ceilanica

Yellow- Yellow geiger (Cordia Lutea- Cold tolerant to Zone9) Yellow- Allamanda (Allamanda Nerifolia only) Yellow- Crown Thorns 'Thai yellow' (Acidic Soil-ideally) Yellow- Dune Sunflower (Helianthus debilis) Yellow- Turnera Ulmifolia Yellow- Thryallis Yellow- 'Dwarf' Musseanda Yellow- Chestnutleaf Trumphet Std.(Tecoma gaudichaudii aka: tecoma castanifolia) Yellow- Bush Daisy Yellow- Bay Cedar Std. - Suriana maritima (native) Yellow- Cassia surattensis Yellow- Shrimp Plant (Short life: 3 years only)

Orange- Chinese Hat Std.(Holmskioldia sanguinea) Orange- African Tulip Tree (Acidic Soil) Orange- Orange Geiger (Multi-leader Tree) Orange- Ixora 'Sunset' (Acidic soil-Ideally/ProlificBloomer) Orange- Firebush (Hamelia patens) Orange-Bahama Firebush)) Orange-Orange Tecoma 'Tecoma garrocha)) Orange-Crossandra (acidic/needs alot:watering)) Orange-Bush Daisy Orange-Cape Honeysuckle

Red- Chenille Plant (Acalypha hispida) Red- Powderpuff 'Nana' Red- Jatropha 'Compacta' Red- Turks Cap Std. (Malvaviscus arboreus) Red- Euphorbia punicea (Jamaican Poinsettia) Red- Bottlebrush

Pink- Angel Trumphet 'Frosty Pink' Pink- Bougainvillea 'Imperial Delight' Pink- Desert Rose (Hates FL summer rainy season) Pink- 'Thai' CrownThorns Pink- Dombeya 'Seminole' Pink- 'Anderson Crepe' Hibiscus Std. Pink- Oleander (4 colors available: White/Yellow/Red/Pink) Pink- Cane Begonia Angelwing Pink- Dwarf Poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'pink' ) Pink- Hong kong orchid Pink- Palida Tabebuia

Blue- Patotoe Tree (Solanum macranthum) Std. Blue- Plumbago Blue- Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum officinale) Std. Blue- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Blue- Thunbergia erecta 'Fairy Moon' Blue- Ruellia caroliniensis (acidic) Light Purple? Blue- Clerodendrum ugandense (Short-life-3years) Blue- Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers'

Purple- Ruellia 'Purple Showers' Purple- Tibouchina urvilleana (Acidic) Purple- Royal Robe Std. (Solanum rantonnetii) Purple- Moroon Jacaranda (Jacaranda jasminoides-AcidicSoil/Grafted)
Plants for Zone 10 (Naples Florida) Shrubs and Trees and vines and other plants that grow well in SWFLA
