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Orion Bank | One of the Largest South Florida Community Banks


Orion Bank | One of the Largest South Florida Community Banks

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Jennifer Augulis -- on June 22 2009

Based in south Florida, Orion Bank is one of the largest, privately held community banks in the nation. Serving locations like Naples, Sarasota, and Key West, Florida, Orion offers Personal and Business Banking, as well as Lending Products.

Based in south Florida, Orion Bank is one of the largest, privately held community banks in the nation. Serving locations like Naples, Sarasota, and Key West, Florida, Orion offers Personal and Business Banking, as well as Lending Products.
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Orion Bank | One of the Largest South Florida Community Banks Based in south Florida, Orion Bank is one of the largest, privately held community banks in the nation. Serving locations like Naples, Sarasota, and Key West, Florida, Orion offers Personal and Business Banking, as well as Lending Products.
