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Jobless rates rise in Lee, Collier counties » Marco Eagle

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The unemployment rate rose to 11.4 percent in Collier, up from 10.1 in May and 6.8 percent a year ago.

"Jobless rates in Lee and Collier counties increased in June.

The unemployment rate rose to 11.4 percent in Collier, up from 10.1 in May and 6.8 percent a year ago. In Lee, it was 13 percent last month, up from 12.5 percent a month earlier and 7.9 percent a year ago, according to the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation.

There were 16,709 unemployed residents in Collier last month. Lee had 35,784 residents out of work.

Statewide, the unemployment rate was 10.6 percent in June, up from 10.3 percent in May. There were 970,000 state residents without jobs out of a labor force of 9,192,000.

The nation’s jobless rate is 9.5 percent.

Florida’s unemployment rate hasn’t been this high since October 1975 _ when it stood at 11 percent.

The state lost 392,800 jobs, or 5.1 percent, in June, compared to the same month a year ago. That was higher than the national rate of decline for June, which was 4.1 percent over the year.

Declines began in construction, but now have spread to nearly all the other major industries in Florida.

“As we work to support the many families impacted by this economic downturn, we take our responsibility to provide assistance very seriously,” said Cynthia R. Lorenzo, the Agency for Workforce Innovation’s director, in a statement. “Each and every day, we connect hundreds of thousands of people with our comprehensive array of early learning, workforce and unemployment compensation programs to help sustain families and reinvigorate our economy.”"
-- Jobless rates rise in Lee, Collier counties » Marco Eagle
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Jobless rates rise in Lee, Collier counties » Marco Eagle The unemployment rate rose to 11.4 percent in Collier, up from 10.1 in May and 6.8 percent a year ago.
