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you are accepted at livewire


you are accepted at livewire

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avatarLivewire -- on Jul. 24 2009

at livewire all walks of life are accepted! what do we mean by "all walks of life"? well, we are glad you asked.

all races are accepted; black, white, asian, hispanic, etc. all lifestyles are accepted; hardcore, gays, lesbians, partyers, bi-sexuals, gothic, straight, transvestites, edgy, emo, hip hop, grunge, you name it. those who drink soda, beer, coffee, wine, gatorade, water, whatever, are accepted. if you smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, do cocaine or other drugs, you are accepted. all religions are accepted; that's right, whether you are christian, atheist, agnostic, muslim, deist, scientologist, it don't matter. like we said, @ livewire all walks of life are accepted!

@ livewire we do not judge people, period! we do not give people the cold shoulder. we do not try to change people. we do not look down on people. we do not tell people they must believe what we believe. @ livewire there are no strings attached.

we are just a group of people on a journey and we invite you on that same journey only if it's what you want. we are normal every day people who do not have it all figured out or all together. we come from different backgrounds, lifestyles, cultures, generations, and upbringings. we are a community. we are a culture. we are livewire...

the livewire community gets together every sunday @ 10:12am. donuts and coffee are served @ 9:30am and community is also cultivated during this time. you are personally invited to livewire where you will be accepted!

::livewire:: lake park elementary school 1295 14th ave n naples, fl 34102 239.438.8494 real. different. relevant. Label
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you are accepted at livewire at livewire all walks of life are accepted! what do we mean by
