Collier Computer Systems, LLC
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On September 1, 2009 Naples Consulting Service, LLC changed its name to Collier Computer Systems, LLC
Naples Consulting Service, LLC, a Naples Florida computer repair company recently changed its name to better describe the services they provide.
"The ‘Consulting’ part of our name led to calls related to marriage counseling, construction inquires, interior design consulting and to many other non-computer related calls," says Jerry Landry II, Senior Engineer and Company Owner, "by changing to Collier Computer, it seems to me, to be much clearer to the average person, what it is that we actually do." he said.
History: Naples Consulting Service, LLC was officially named a limited liability company in late April 2006, and the corporate website was launched on May 1st, 2006.
"The overall business has been quite successful since the very beginning; however, recently we have noticed a drop in actual incoming calls since the name change earlier this month. Our goal was to lower unrelated service calls. We didn't accurately calculate the difference in ongoing web traffic, going from a very busy website to a brand new one. Call volume is definitely lower today, than it was six weeks ago."
"I'm sure it will rebound with our 'winter season' just around the corner. Overall, the poor economy hasn't really affected us so far, having low prices, we get quite a bit of repeat business and our word-of-mouth advertising is super!”
Collier Computer Systems, LLC insists it will maintain its low rates, high quality of customer service and will honor all Naples Consulting contracts, verbal and written. "Customers need not worry about our contracts; the only thing that has changed is our name." Landry said, "We're still a Member of the Better Business Bureau of West Florida and still registered Partners with the Microsoft Corporation." "We still offer the same great services and are even expanding our current services every quarter!"
4 rates "The ‘Consulting’ part of our name led to calls related to marriage counseling, construction inquires, interior design consulting and to many other non-computer related calls," says Jerry Landry II, Senior Engineer and Company Owner, "by changing to Collier Computer, it seems to me, to be much clearer to the average person, what it is that we actually do." he said.
History: Naples Consulting Service, LLC was officially named a limited liability company in late April 2006, and the corporate website was launched on May 1st, 2006.
"The overall business has been quite successful since the very beginning; however, recently we have noticed a drop in actual incoming calls since the name change earlier this month. Our goal was to lower unrelated service calls. We didn't accurately calculate the difference in ongoing web traffic, going from a very busy website to a brand new one. Call volume is definitely lower today, than it was six weeks ago."
"I'm sure it will rebound with our 'winter season' just around the corner. Overall, the poor economy hasn't really affected us so far, having low prices, we get quite a bit of repeat business and our word-of-mouth advertising is super!”
Collier Computer Systems, LLC insists it will maintain its low rates, high quality of customer service and will honor all Naples Consulting contracts, verbal and written. "Customers need not worry about our contracts; the only thing that has changed is our name." Landry said, "We're still a Member of the Better Business Bureau of West Florida and still registered Partners with the Microsoft Corporation." "We still offer the same great services and are even expanding our current services every quarter!"
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