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Studio Arts & Graphics, Inc.


Studio Arts & Graphics, Inc.

Register with us in one easy step!
Dawn Pierne -- on Nov. 27 2009
Whether we’re talking about graphic design for brochures, billboards presentation folders or corporate identity for a business, you only have a few seconds to catch the attention of your prospects. I have proven time and time again that we can help our clients do exactly that. 75% of what we learn is visual.

You may have the best project in the world and provide equipment that is light years ahead of your competition, but if your image doesn’t convey that, you may never have the opportunity to prove it. I can help you overcome that by developing the image of a powerful, well-established project, just like I’ve done for hundreds of other clients.

Most people understand the risks they face when they choose to handle their own legal or tax matters, but many don’t realize the risks that they face when they choose to handle their own graphic design. The potential pitfalls come in the form of poor first impressions, as well as lost opportunities and profits, to name just a few. A professional graphic designer, on the other hand, can ensure that your marketing materials produce results, create a powerful impression and increase your profits.

I can provide a complete range of graphic design services for brochures, posters, billboards, and most importantly logos/corporate identity, which is my specialty. In short, I can handle pretty much any graphic design needs you may have, just let me know what you’re looking for.

Free Initial Consultation The initial consultation is a very important part of the process in creating a new logo/corporate identity for your business. Studio Arts & Graphics, Inc. offers a free consultation, and will spend as much time with you as necessary in order to get the truest sense of your goals. Dawn Pierne, the owner of the company, and a Master Graphic Artist, will create a marketing profile for your business and will talk in-depth with you about your business, your style preferences, your budget and your overall vision. There are no time constraints on this consultation; as it is a time where the dream begins to take shape. It's a very exciting part of the process - and we always look forward to spending this time with each customer.

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Studio Arts & Graphics, Inc.  Best Logo's in Naples!
