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Advanced Water Filters Announces New Website Features


Advanced Water Filters Announces New Website Features

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The folks over at AdvancedWaterFilters have just released the news that they have added a new search feature to their site which customers are sure to love.

January 3, 2013 - The folks over at AdvancedWaterFilters have just released the news that they have added a new search feature to their site which customers are sure to love. As compared to the search function they used previously, this new search feature will allow the customers to find the information they need on water filters and softeners quicker than ever. Due to the new features they have added to their site, customers can toggle the search options and you can get results the way you want them. This means you do not waste any time in looking for the water filters that fit your need and any other considerations you may have.

The website for AdvancedWaterFilters has been around for some time now and has grown throughout the years. They are known for selling water filters of all shapes and sizes. They are also known for selling water filters at special prices. Indeed, they make it a point to sell home water filtration systems and accessories at lower prices so you can have clean water without spending too much money. The sheer number of options can be overwhelming for new visitors, which is why the new search feature comes in so handy. With the new search feature, the company has high hopes that customers will enjoy the more user-friendly shopping experience they have to offer.

The options they have to offer include being able to search by category, by maker, as well as cost and weight. You may also put in the kind of filter you want and you will get results that fit your query. If you are looking for a reverse osmosis water filter then you can add the price and size of the one you want so you can find just what you need. The new search feature they have added will make sure you get the right results at all times.

Should you wish to learn more about this new search feature or just have a look at their site and really see what they are all about, check out This is a company that strives for excellence and they make sure they give you the most complete information on all the filters and softeners they have to offer. They make sure their site is constantly updated and upgrades so that customers never have to worry about making a wrong purchase or be given wrong information.

Contact Info:

Jon Sigona Advanced Water Filters 7701 E. Gray Rd. Suite 110 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Tel: 1-800-453-4206 Email:
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Advanced Water Filters Announces New Website Features
 The folks over at AdvancedWaterFilters have just released the news that they have added a new search feature to their site which customers are sure to love.
