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Addiction is a Disease not Choice


Addiction is a Disease not Choice

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An addicted person may spend more and more time and energy in a particular activity.Self-help groups (SHG) help the people to recover the patient addicted from drugs such as narcotics, sedatives, and cocaine.

3rd May,2014, USA( : It is a mental condition of a person when he/she don’t have control over a particular activity like what they are taking, drinking, or doing. A person may be addicted to an activity that could possibly be harmful for him/her like taking drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, etc. Some people are also addicted to activities like doing sex, gambling, spending time on internet in chatting, or watching porn sites.


Signs and symptoms can be easily noticed in patients who are addicted to a particular activity and if early steps not taken step to treat it then can be more dangerous later on. An addicted person may spend more and more time and energy in a particular activity.Excess in the consumption of substances to which he/she is addicted to such as drugs, alcohols, or cigarettes. Such patients have intense desire/need for activity or substance. Such people continuous to use the substances or do activities even though if it is providing harm to that person.


Self-help groups (SHG) help the people to recover the patient addicted from drugs such as narcotics, sedatives, and cocaine. Self-help groups such as narcotics anonymous exist for people that provide medications, counseling, and meetings to prevent from chronic disorders.Treatment program, generally include education session and therapy session which focuses on to prevent relapse.Counseling is also required from family members to provide psychiatrist, psychologists, or counselor to provide education facilities to the patient to treat him/her to recover from continuous using of drugs to which he/she is addicted to. Counseling/supports from family members can help person to develop communication skills and behavior amongst other people.

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Wilson Decosta is the author of this great article. He works as a freelancer medical content writer of a famous pharmacy site online, and now currently he is working with In his work he is committed to help people to know more about the benefits of health related issues online.
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Addiction is a Disease not Choice
 An addicted person may spend more and more time and energy in a particular activity.Self-help groups (SHG) help the people to recover the patient addicted from drugs such as narcotics, sedatives, and cocaine.
