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The Global Children's Brand Helps Young Students Fund New High Speed Internet


The Global Children's Brand Helps Young Students Fund New High Speed Internet

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8-10 year old friends realized their schools "hot internet spots" were not sufficient for their learning needs and decided to put together a marketing campaign to sell Plushky toys in the shape of the US to fund new High-speed internet.

Austin, TX, June 23, 2014 - There is much praise to be given and lessons to be learned from Lake Travis STEM Academy kids who realized their "hot internet spots" were not sufficient for their learning needs and through the guidance of the culturebooster company decided to sell Plushkies -plush toys in the shape of countries- to raise funds towards a faster and more secure internet "so we can learn more!"

Lesson 1 - Awareness to understand the importance of a fast internet for them and their peers. Lesson 2 - Can do attitude and ownership to improve the internet services themselves. Lesson 3 - Solid Planning and Execution to put together a business plan, marketing materials and an awesome 2-minute promotional video campaign. Lesson 4 - Love of Learning. Not only in the future with their new internet but also during their campaign learning lifelong valuable lessons of business and fundraising skills.

Ricardo Jimenez -Plushkies CEO- who personally delivered the Plushkies to the kids as he wanted to meet them in person stated "we are thankful these inspiring kids chose Plushkies for their fundraising and glad for playing a part in their success."

"We have raised $745 and we're still selling Plushkies, and people LOVE IT!!!!! :D" - STEM Kids Savannah Strader, age 8; Guy Phelps, age 10; Ryan Strader, age 9, Christina Ling, age 9 -from left to right in the picture- plus Julianna Saint-Orenz, age 9 -not pictured.

Plushkies Company is excited about the potential opportunities that this successful story will bring to help other entrepreneurial kids and looks forward to hearing from them what needs and educational dreams they are inspired to fund.

Visit here to read more about the importance of the company’s mission: "Raising Global Children" through play, education and imagination.

For further information on Plushkies and/or international fundraising opportunities it is recommended to contact Mr. Ricardo Jimenez at +1. 919.452.5544,

Press Contact: Ricardo Jimenez Plushkies 100 Great Hills Trl 826 78759 Austin, Tx 919.452.5544
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The Global Children's Brand Helps Young Students Fund New High Speed Internet 8-10 year old friends realized their schools
