What does my property tax money in Collier County pay for?
Udut, Kenneth -- on Aug. 14 2007, from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.
Here's the explanation I received about where my Naples property taxes are going to.
My property taxes are $1800, more or less. It's worth it to me.
Here's what you tax money pays for in Collier County, Florida:
All general governmental activities under the County Commissioners that are provided county-wide including: * Sheriff's road patrol * jail operations * courtroom bailiffs * libraries * beach park facilities * storm water management * land acquisition (green space usually, but they sometimes sell it off)
Public Schools
* Operation of Collier county Public Schools by State law and local board.
* City of Naples properties * Everglades City properties * Marco Island properties
Water Management District
* South Florida Water Management State agency for flood and drainage control * Big Cypress Basin
M.S.T. - Municipal Service Taxing Unit
General governmental activies under the direct control of the County Commissioners that are provided for: * The unincorporated area outside of the cities of Naples, Marco Island and Everglades City. * Parks * Recreation * median landscaping * community development * code enforcement * street lighting * beautification districts
Independent Special Districts
* Collier Mosquito Control * various fire districts who levy their own millage
Voter Approved Debt
* Payment on bond issues * Other debt previously approved by voter referendum, for example: * Naples Zoo
For more information, call the Collier County Budget Office at 774-8973
To complain about it, click "Discuss this Page" or "Add Comment" - you don't need to register to complain or compliment.
Keyed in from a pamphlet that arrived in the mail today by ku
1 rate Here's what you tax money pays for in Collier County, Florida:
All general governmental activities under the County Commissioners that are provided county-wide including: * Sheriff's road patrol * jail operations * courtroom bailiffs * libraries * beach park facilities * storm water management * land acquisition (green space usually, but they sometimes sell it off)
Public Schools
* Operation of Collier county Public Schools by State law and local board.
* City of Naples properties * Everglades City properties * Marco Island properties
Water Management District
* South Florida Water Management State agency for flood and drainage control * Big Cypress Basin
M.S.T. - Municipal Service Taxing Unit
General governmental activies under the direct control of the County Commissioners that are provided for: * The unincorporated area outside of the cities of Naples, Marco Island and Everglades City. * Parks * Recreation * median landscaping * community development * code enforcement * street lighting * beautification districts
Independent Special Districts
* Collier Mosquito Control * various fire districts who levy their own millage
Voter Approved Debt
* Payment on bond issues * Other debt previously approved by voter referendum, for example: * Naples Zoo
For more information, call the Collier County Budget Office at 774-8973
To complain about it, click "Discuss this Page" or "Add Comment" - you don't need to register to complain or compliment.
Keyed in from a pamphlet that arrived in the mail today by ku