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Cycling is a good exercise for most of the people, if you go for the cycling in the morning, you can feel fresh and good. Cycling is very good for your health. It is also cost effective, faster that a public transport and environment friendly too. However, cycling is good as long as you do not meet with an accident. Nowadays, there is an increase in the flow of accidents involving cyclists. Several reasons are there for this increase in the cycle accident. Here you go: One of the main reasons is nowadays more number of cyclists are there on the road.
Rise of accidents due to cycling:
In recent years, cycling has become more famous, the reason behind this is the effects of the recession as well as the car costs are rising. The government decides that to decrease the effect of motoring on the environment they encourage more cyclists onto a road. They offers cycle hire scheme to the cyclists. Therefore, many people take that opportunity and go for the cycling on the roads, which can lead to more numbers of accidents.
Most of the motorists blame the cyclists however; most of the cyclists blame the motorists. Most of the bicycle accidents involve a motorised vehicle only. Some of the irresponsible cyclists make the accidents on the road. Only five percentages of bicycle accidents involve cyclists cross the road when the signal is in red.
The increase in the bicycle accidents will not be continuing. If it is keep on happen, then the governments have to reduce the number of cycles without any doubt. Safety measures must be important one for the cyclists.
How can you stay safe on the road?
The noise and the volume of traffic can make you irritate and tensed. First, you should have confidence when you are on the road. If you have confidence, it can keep you safer when you are cycling on the road. The next thing is you should position yourself properly. The road position is critical. Most of the bicycle accidents occur because of the cyclists positioning themselves in a wrong way.
Third thing you have to be aware all the time. Most of the cases, cycle accident is caused by motorists. In rare cases, accidents may caused by the cyclist. Try to be safe on the road and always aware of the road accidents, which are caused by the motorists.
Rate this! 1-5 starsCycling is a good exercise for most of the people, if you go for the cycling in the morning, you can feel fresh and good. Cycling is very good for your health. It is also cost effective, faster that a public transport and environment friendly too. However, cycling is good as long as you do not meet with an accident. Nowadays, there is an increase in the flow of accidents involving cyclists. Several reasons are there for this increase in the cycle accident. Here you go: One of the main reasons is nowadays more number of cyclists are there on the road.
Rise of accidents due to cycling:
In recent years, cycling has become more famous, the reason behind this is the effects of the recession as well as the car costs are rising. The government decides that to decrease the effect of motoring on the environment they encourage more cyclists onto a road. They offers cycle hire scheme to the cyclists. Therefore, many people take that opportunity and go for the cycling on the roads, which can lead to more numbers of accidents.
Most of the motorists blame the cyclists however; most of the cyclists blame the motorists. Most of the bicycle accidents involve a motorised vehicle only. Some of the irresponsible cyclists make the accidents on the road. Only five percentages of bicycle accidents involve cyclists cross the road when the signal is in red.
The increase in the bicycle accidents will not be continuing. If it is keep on happen, then the governments have to reduce the number of cycles without any doubt. Safety measures must be important one for the cyclists.
How can you stay safe on the road?
The noise and the volume of traffic can make you irritate and tensed. First, you should have confidence when you are on the road. If you have confidence, it can keep you safer when you are cycling on the road. The next thing is you should position yourself properly. The road position is critical. Most of the bicycle accidents occur because of the cyclists positioning themselves in a wrong way.
Third thing you have to be aware all the time. Most of the cases, cycle accident is caused by motorists. In rare cases, accidents may caused by the cyclist. Try to be safe on the road and always aware of the road accidents, which are caused by the motorists.
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