Types of Student Loans to pay for college
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Student organizations named TheSToodent.com works for the students who are not able to complete their studies due to lack of money, This organizations provides student loan, student finance, federal loan, student scholarships for student education.
28th October 2015, Pune- There might have come a time where you have wondered how you would pay for college. If you are not well off, this should concern you. There are ways to get student loans for your college.
Here are some types of student loans you can avail:
1)Federal Student Loan
-The Government provides Federal Loans for needy students. Admission to great institutes can cost well above $30000/year.
-You can apply for these loans online at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types/loans
-You can also read articles on student loan online.
2)Perkins loan
-Colleges can avail Perkins loan for students with exceptional financial need and charges an interest rate of 5%.
-You can avail a loan of approximate $10000 to $20000
3)Private Student Loan
-Private loans are provided by money lenders and private institutions to students who are in dire need.
-You shall be charged an interest of around 4%-12% depending on the longetivity of repayment of the loan.
4)Mortgage Loans
-Very often parents take mortgage on their homes to pay for fees of their kids. The interest rate for these kinds of loans can vary from 10% to 15% depending on the period of loan repayment.
-Mortgage loans are at high risk and should be avoided by students. A Student loan shall have a milder rate of interest.
5)Borrow from Family
-This is the easiest way of getting a loan without any interest or less interest.
-You can borrow it from your family members and give it back at your convenience.
-The only problem is that if you are not able to give it on time it can create issues within the family.
6)Loan against Insurance
-If you or your parents have had insurance or a life insurance policy which is currently active, you might have a chance to apply for a loan.
-Loan against insurance comes at a compelling rate of around 7% to 10% and can be helpful for quick money. Students always have an option of applying for a student scholarship else they can always apply for a loan.
To Get In Touch with Our Organization Visit:
TheSToodent.com Agarwood, Tree no. 5, Pune, India, and 411002. Contact-02026435677
Orungootan Kabusa is a 2 ft & 60 cms tall Orangutan. He runs a student organization named TheSToodent which works for the students that need help in education. He believes Orangutans can change the world and not humans!! You can meet him on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TheStoodent), Twitter (https://twitter.com/orungootankabus), and Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/orungootankabus/).
Rate this! 1-5 starsHere are some types of student loans you can avail:
1)Federal Student Loan
-The Government provides Federal Loans for needy students. Admission to great institutes can cost well above $30000/year.
-You can apply for these loans online at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types/loans
-You can also read articles on student loan online.
2)Perkins loan
-Colleges can avail Perkins loan for students with exceptional financial need and charges an interest rate of 5%.
-You can avail a loan of approximate $10000 to $20000
3)Private Student Loan
-Private loans are provided by money lenders and private institutions to students who are in dire need.
-You shall be charged an interest of around 4%-12% depending on the longetivity of repayment of the loan.
4)Mortgage Loans
-Very often parents take mortgage on their homes to pay for fees of their kids. The interest rate for these kinds of loans can vary from 10% to 15% depending on the period of loan repayment.
-Mortgage loans are at high risk and should be avoided by students. A Student loan shall have a milder rate of interest.
5)Borrow from Family
-This is the easiest way of getting a loan without any interest or less interest.
-You can borrow it from your family members and give it back at your convenience.
-The only problem is that if you are not able to give it on time it can create issues within the family.
6)Loan against Insurance
-If you or your parents have had insurance or a life insurance policy which is currently active, you might have a chance to apply for a loan.
-Loan against insurance comes at a compelling rate of around 7% to 10% and can be helpful for quick money. Students always have an option of applying for a student scholarship else they can always apply for a loan.
To Get In Touch with Our Organization Visit:
TheSToodent.com Agarwood, Tree no. 5, Pune, India, and 411002. Contact-02026435677
Orungootan Kabusa is a 2 ft & 60 cms tall Orangutan. He runs a student organization named TheSToodent which works for the students that need help in education. He believes Orangutans can change the world and not humans!! You can meet him on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TheStoodent), Twitter (https://twitter.com/orungootankabus), and Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/orungootankabus/).
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