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How Red Stain Removal Works for Carpet Cleaning


How Red Stain Removal Works for Carpet Cleaning

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Removing juice stains from your carpet removal can be a challenging task but you should never lose hope.

The way this process works is the cleaning solution allows the release of the red coloring, the heat from an iron amplifies that release and pulls it up. Heat rises and moisture moves to more dry areas. The heat dries the moist towel as more moisture and, in this case, the red coloring is pulled up through the white towel to a more dry area.

Moisture wicking can be compared to how a candle works. Ever wonder how a candle burns so long on one small string of cotton? Hence the name wicking. As the wick burns the oil more is pulled up from the small pool beneath it. The oil pool feeds the flame and the oil is burned, not the wick.

If you followed a red removal cleaning process that uses spot remover, heat, and moisture you may notice that your cleaning solution left some residue. Every red removal solution that I know of leaves behind some residue. To remove this left over residue you may use a spot bot or any type of clean water and a wet vacuum. This type of cleaning is suggested to remove the cleaning solutions that may remain in your carpet.

There are many different kinds of wet cleaners on the market. They each consist of the same elements, a solution tank, spray jets, brushes, and a wet vacuum with a recovery tank. Any machine of this type will work to flush the left over cleaner from the red spot area.

If you have a wet vacuum available but it's just a vacuum, use your squirt bottle to spray fresh water onto the spot and use the vacuum to remove the water and soap. Of course you may want to spray and wet vacuum the area more than once. Repeat this until the soap residue is gone. You can test the spot by rubbing it with your fingers. If it feels slippery and oily like soap, keep rinsing. Keep at it until the treated area feels like the rest of the carpet.

Removing the residue left from a cleaning product is important because it will just create another spot. Soap, if left to dry, becomes sticky. The oils in that sticky area become a magnet to dirt. Over time a spot will appear where you removed your red stain from. To prevent a spot from magically appearing over time it's imperative that the leftover oils be removed.

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How Red Stain Removal Works for Carpet Cleaning
 Removing juice stains from your carpet removal can be a challenging task but you should never lose hope.
