Collier Area Transit (CAT) Bus route and fare changes starting Mar 1st 2009

Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.
Route revisions, full fare up to $1.50, new weekly passes available.
In addition, a new weekly pass is being implemented. The weekly pass is $15 for full fare passengers and $7.50 for reduced fare passengers. Daily pass and monthly pass rates have not changed. The monthly pass for full fare remains at $35 and for reduced fare the rate remains at $17.50. Daily pass rates remain at $4 for full fare and $2 for reduced fare riders. Rates for the Marco Express also have not changed.
Alternative Transportation Modes Director Michelle Arnold, who oversees CAT, said that the Board of County Commissioners saw a need to make changes due to budget cuts but, by keeping monthly passes at the same rate and adding the weekly pass, the riders who use CAT the most will not be adversely impacted.
"CAT continues to be the most economical way for riders to get to work, school, medical appointments and shopping even with the slight increase in fares," said Arnold. "By adding the weekly pass as a fare option with the monthly pass, those who use CAT the most will continue to save the most. If someone normally rides CAT to work and home again five days a week, by purchasing the weekly pass, the cost per ride will be $1.50 with no additional cost for transfer fees. Plus, weekly passes are good for seven days which means any additional trips taken on CAT are free."
All passes (daily, weekly and monthly) include transfer fees. (A chart of the new fares is included on the last page of this release.)
Route changes that go into effect on March 1 are listed below.
Route 1B - This route will operate Monday through Sunday (see bus schedule for specific time table). Route 1B will run from the Collier County Government Center, heads north on U.S. 41, east on Immokalee Road, serving Creekside Parkway and North Collier Hospital. The Route 1B will then travel west on Immokalee Road, south on U.S. 41, serving the Coastland Mall, and then travel on U.S. 41 back to the Collier County Government Center. The Route 1B will have a transfer connection with Route 1C on Creekside Parkway across the street from the post office between Creekside Trail and Creekside Way.
Route 1C - This route will operate Monday through Sunday (see bus schedule for specific time table). Route 1C will run from the Collier County Government Center, heading north on Airport-Pulling Road, west on Immokalee Road, serving Creekside Commerce Park, then travel east on Immokalee Road, then south on Airport-Pulling Road, back to the Collier County Government Center. This route serves North Collier Hospital and Creekside Parkway. The Route 1C will have a transfer connection with Route 1B on Creekside Parkway across the street from the post office between Creekside Trail and Creekside Way.
Route 2B - This route will operate Monday through Saturday (see bus schedule for time table) but will discontinue Sunday service. For Monday through Saturday, Route 2B will now serve Naples Community Hospital.
The Board of County Commissioners approved the changes in December 2008 in order for CAT to comply with budget cut backs.
New route maps are available at area libraries, employment agencies, government office buildings, hospitals, Naples Area Chamber of Commerce locations and various area businesses and shopping centers. Route information can also be obtained at:
Bicycle racks are available on the front of the CAT buses so anyone wishing to ride their bike to the bus stop can then take it along and continue riding to their destination.
For more information, contact the Alternative Transportation Modes Department at 252-8192 or the Collier Area Transit Office at 596-7777.
The meeting is November 10, 2008.
According to a news release from the Collier County Transportation Services Division, Collier Area Transit (CAT) will share proposed route changes with the public at a meeting on Monday, Nov. 10 from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Golden Gate Community Center Auditorium, 4701 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples.
The proposed route reductions are in response to the Board of County Commissioners direction to trim $415,000 from this fiscal year’s operating budget.
Proposed changed route maps are available on the Web site which can be easily reached through the link:
Proposed Route Modifications
The following modifications are being proposed to be effective Jan.1, 2009.
Route 1A – Route Revisions
The modifications to Route 1A involve splitting the existing loop route to run north and south predominantly along Airport Road. Route 1A will travel from the Collier County Government Complex to Airport-Pulling Road, then proceed northbound across Immokalee Road including stops along Piper Boulevard and then proceed westbound on Immokalee Road to the North Collier Hospital and the business complex on Creekside Parkway. The return trip will travel eastbound on Immokalee Road and then proceed south on Airport-Pulling Road where it will return to the Collier County Government Complex. While Route 1A will no longer serve US 41, Route 1B will continue to serve US 41. Naples Community Hospital will no longer be on this route but will be served by Routes 2A and 2B. Naples Park will no longer be served by this route but will be served by Route 1B.
Route 1B – Route Revisions
The modifications to Route 1B involve splitting the existing loop route to run north and south predominantly along US 41. Route 1B will travel from the Collier County Government Complex north on US 41, continue to serve the stops around the Coastland Mall and proceed back onto northbound US 41 to Immokalee Road. Route 1B will then travel east on Immokalee Road to serve the business complex on Creekside Parkway and North Collier Hospital. The route will then reverse to travel back to Immokalee Road, proceed south onto US 41 around the Coastland Mall and ultimately back into the Collier County Government Complex via US 41. Naples Community Hospital will no longer be on this route but will be served by Routes 2A and 2B. Airport-Pulling Road will no longer be served by this route; Route 1A will serve Airport-Pulling Road.
Route 2A – Route Revisions
The modifications to Route 2A involve incorporating service to the Naples Community Hospital. Route 2A will travel from the Collier County Government Complex to Airport-Pulling Road then to Davis Boulevard and to US 41. This route will serve Naples Community Hospital and include stops on Fleishmann Boulevard, Goodlette-Frank Road and along US 41. Route 2A will also travel to Bayshore Drive, Thomasson Drive and proceed back to the Collier County Government Complex along US 41.
Route 2B –Route Revisions
The modification to Route 2B involves incorporating service to the Naples Community Hospital. Route 2B is a reverse route to Route 2A and will travel from the Collier County Government Complex heading east on US 41 with stops along Thomasson Drive and Bayshore Drive. This route also travels north on US 41, utilizes Goodlette-Frank Road, and Fleishmann Boulevard. The route travels US 41 with Naples Community Hospital being one of the major service areas. The route also travels Davis Boulevard and Airport Pulling Road, and ultimately returns to the transfer station at the Collier County Government Complex via US 41.
Route 4 B – Route Reduction
Route 4B has been proposed to be eliminated. It is the reverse route of Route 4A which will continue to serve the area. Route 4B currently runs from the Collier County Government Complex east along US 41 to Collier Boulevard and includes stops along Rattlesnake Hammock Road before proceeding back to US 41 and ending at the Government Complex. The route currently serves Naples Manor, K-Mart at Freedom Square, Super Wal-Mart at US 41, Edison College, and Physicians Regional Medical Center on Collier Boulevard.
Route 6 – Service Revision and Reduction
The modification to Route 6 involves a realignment of the route, a reduction of the areas served, as well as an adjustment to the hours of operation. Route 6 will travel from the Collier County Government Complex heading north on Airport-Pulling Road include stops on Davis Boulevard, the Super Wal-Mart at the southwest intersection of Collier and Davis boulevards, as well as stops heading north on Collier Boulevard, as well as along Golden Gate Parkway, Santa Barbara Boulevard and Pine Ridge Road. This route will serve Physicians Regional Medical Center, and then reverse routing back to the Collier County Government Complex. Route 6 will no longer serve Vanderbilt Beach Road, nor the Publix at Airport-Pulling Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road. The closest route that will serve this area will be Route 1A which travels on Airport-Pulling Road both north and south to Vanderbilt Beach Road.
There is also a proposed reduction of hours for Route 6 to only operate during peak travel periods from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4:25 p.m.
Route 9 – Route Revision
The modification to Route 9 involves an extension of service to include a stop at the newly completed Big Cypress Market Place. Route 9 began serving the Big Cypress Market Place located approximately four and one-half miles southeast of Collier Boulevard on US 41 following its stop at Charlee Estates. This service revision became effective on October 10.
Collier Area Transit (CAT) reminds riders that several route changes, as well as fare increases, start on Sunday, March 1. Most fares increase by 25 cents - full fares will be $1.50 and reduced fares for youth (under aged 17) and for riders who are elderly/disabled will be 75 cents. There will also be a charge for transferring from one bus to another which will be 75 cents for full fares and 35 cents for reduced fares. Prior to March 1, riders received one free transfer with each paid fare. Children age five and under continue to ride all CAT buses for free.In addition, a new weekly pass is being implemented. The weekly pass is $15 for full fare passengers and $7.50 for reduced fare passengers. Daily pass and monthly pass rates have not changed. The monthly pass for full fare remains at $35 and for reduced fare the rate remains at $17.50. Daily pass rates remain at $4 for full fare and $2 for reduced fare riders. Rates for the Marco Express also have not changed.
Alternative Transportation Modes Director Michelle Arnold, who oversees CAT, said that the Board of County Commissioners saw a need to make changes due to budget cuts but, by keeping monthly passes at the same rate and adding the weekly pass, the riders who use CAT the most will not be adversely impacted.
"CAT continues to be the most economical way for riders to get to work, school, medical appointments and shopping even with the slight increase in fares," said Arnold. "By adding the weekly pass as a fare option with the monthly pass, those who use CAT the most will continue to save the most. If someone normally rides CAT to work and home again five days a week, by purchasing the weekly pass, the cost per ride will be $1.50 with no additional cost for transfer fees. Plus, weekly passes are good for seven days which means any additional trips taken on CAT are free."
All passes (daily, weekly and monthly) include transfer fees. (A chart of the new fares is included on the last page of this release.)
Route changes that go into effect on March 1 are listed below.
Red Route:
Route 1A - This route will operate Monday through Saturday (see bus schedule for time table) but will discontinue Sunday service. This route runs from the Collier County Government Center, heads north on Airport-Pulling Road, west on Immokalee Road, south on U.S. 41, then returns to the Collier County Government Center. This route serves North Collier Hospital, Creekside Commerce Park, and the Coastland Mall.Route 1B - This route will operate Monday through Sunday (see bus schedule for specific time table). Route 1B will run from the Collier County Government Center, heads north on U.S. 41, east on Immokalee Road, serving Creekside Parkway and North Collier Hospital. The Route 1B will then travel west on Immokalee Road, south on U.S. 41, serving the Coastland Mall, and then travel on U.S. 41 back to the Collier County Government Center. The Route 1B will have a transfer connection with Route 1C on Creekside Parkway across the street from the post office between Creekside Trail and Creekside Way.
Route 1C - This route will operate Monday through Sunday (see bus schedule for specific time table). Route 1C will run from the Collier County Government Center, heading north on Airport-Pulling Road, west on Immokalee Road, serving Creekside Commerce Park, then travel east on Immokalee Road, then south on Airport-Pulling Road, back to the Collier County Government Center. This route serves North Collier Hospital and Creekside Parkway. The Route 1C will have a transfer connection with Route 1B on Creekside Parkway across the street from the post office between Creekside Trail and Creekside Way.
Orange Route:
Route 2A - This route will operate Monday through Sunday (see bus schedule for specific time table). Route 2A will now serve Naples Community Hospital (NCH). NCH was previously served by Red Route 1A & 1B.Route 2B - This route will operate Monday through Saturday (see bus schedule for time table) but will discontinue Sunday service. For Monday through Saturday, Route 2B will now serve Naples Community Hospital.
Green Route:
Route 4B will no longer operate on Sundays.Yellow Route:
Route 6 - Service Revision - This route will operate Monday through Sunday (see bus schedule for specific time table). Route 6 will run from the Collier County Government Center north on Airport-Pulling Road, east on Davis Boulevard, north on Collier Boulevard, west on Golden Gate Parkway, north on Santa Barbara Boulevard, to Pine Ridge Road. This route will serve Physicians Regional Medical Center on Pine Ridge Road (as it has done previously), and then follow the reverse route back to the Collier County Government Complex. Route 6 will continue to serve the Super Wal-Mart at the intersection of Collier Boulevard and Davis Boulevard. The section of Route 6 that was eliminated includes Collier Boulevard between Golden Gate Parkway and Pine Ridge Road, Pine Ridge Road between Physicians Regional Medical Center and Livingston Road, Livingston Road between Pine Ridge Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road from Livingston Ro ad to Airport-Pulling Road.The Board of County Commissioners approved the changes in December 2008 in order for CAT to comply with budget cut backs.
New route maps are available at area libraries, employment agencies, government office buildings, hospitals, Naples Area Chamber of Commerce locations and various area businesses and shopping centers. Route information can also be obtained at:
Bicycle racks are available on the front of the CAT buses so anyone wishing to ride their bike to the bus stop can then take it along and continue riding to their destination.
For more information, contact the Alternative Transportation Modes Department at 252-8192 or the Collier Area Transit Office at 596-7777.
The meeting is November 10, 2008.
According to a news release from the Collier County Transportation Services Division, Collier Area Transit (CAT) will share proposed route changes with the public at a meeting on Monday, Nov. 10 from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Golden Gate Community Center Auditorium, 4701 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples.
The proposed route reductions are in response to the Board of County Commissioners direction to trim $415,000 from this fiscal year’s operating budget.
Proposed changed route maps are available on the Web site which can be easily reached through the link:
Proposed Route Modifications
The following modifications are being proposed to be effective Jan.1, 2009.
Route 1A – Route Revisions
The modifications to Route 1A involve splitting the existing loop route to run north and south predominantly along Airport Road. Route 1A will travel from the Collier County Government Complex to Airport-Pulling Road, then proceed northbound across Immokalee Road including stops along Piper Boulevard and then proceed westbound on Immokalee Road to the North Collier Hospital and the business complex on Creekside Parkway. The return trip will travel eastbound on Immokalee Road and then proceed south on Airport-Pulling Road where it will return to the Collier County Government Complex. While Route 1A will no longer serve US 41, Route 1B will continue to serve US 41. Naples Community Hospital will no longer be on this route but will be served by Routes 2A and 2B. Naples Park will no longer be served by this route but will be served by Route 1B.
Route 1B – Route Revisions
The modifications to Route 1B involve splitting the existing loop route to run north and south predominantly along US 41. Route 1B will travel from the Collier County Government Complex north on US 41, continue to serve the stops around the Coastland Mall and proceed back onto northbound US 41 to Immokalee Road. Route 1B will then travel east on Immokalee Road to serve the business complex on Creekside Parkway and North Collier Hospital. The route will then reverse to travel back to Immokalee Road, proceed south onto US 41 around the Coastland Mall and ultimately back into the Collier County Government Complex via US 41. Naples Community Hospital will no longer be on this route but will be served by Routes 2A and 2B. Airport-Pulling Road will no longer be served by this route; Route 1A will serve Airport-Pulling Road.
Route 2A – Route Revisions
The modifications to Route 2A involve incorporating service to the Naples Community Hospital. Route 2A will travel from the Collier County Government Complex to Airport-Pulling Road then to Davis Boulevard and to US 41. This route will serve Naples Community Hospital and include stops on Fleishmann Boulevard, Goodlette-Frank Road and along US 41. Route 2A will also travel to Bayshore Drive, Thomasson Drive and proceed back to the Collier County Government Complex along US 41.
Route 2B –Route Revisions
The modification to Route 2B involves incorporating service to the Naples Community Hospital. Route 2B is a reverse route to Route 2A and will travel from the Collier County Government Complex heading east on US 41 with stops along Thomasson Drive and Bayshore Drive. This route also travels north on US 41, utilizes Goodlette-Frank Road, and Fleishmann Boulevard. The route travels US 41 with Naples Community Hospital being one of the major service areas. The route also travels Davis Boulevard and Airport Pulling Road, and ultimately returns to the transfer station at the Collier County Government Complex via US 41.
Route 4 B – Route Reduction
Route 4B has been proposed to be eliminated. It is the reverse route of Route 4A which will continue to serve the area. Route 4B currently runs from the Collier County Government Complex east along US 41 to Collier Boulevard and includes stops along Rattlesnake Hammock Road before proceeding back to US 41 and ending at the Government Complex. The route currently serves Naples Manor, K-Mart at Freedom Square, Super Wal-Mart at US 41, Edison College, and Physicians Regional Medical Center on Collier Boulevard.
Route 6 – Service Revision and Reduction
The modification to Route 6 involves a realignment of the route, a reduction of the areas served, as well as an adjustment to the hours of operation. Route 6 will travel from the Collier County Government Complex heading north on Airport-Pulling Road include stops on Davis Boulevard, the Super Wal-Mart at the southwest intersection of Collier and Davis boulevards, as well as stops heading north on Collier Boulevard, as well as along Golden Gate Parkway, Santa Barbara Boulevard and Pine Ridge Road. This route will serve Physicians Regional Medical Center, and then reverse routing back to the Collier County Government Complex. Route 6 will no longer serve Vanderbilt Beach Road, nor the Publix at Airport-Pulling Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road. The closest route that will serve this area will be Route 1A which travels on Airport-Pulling Road both north and south to Vanderbilt Beach Road.
There is also a proposed reduction of hours for Route 6 to only operate during peak travel periods from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4:25 p.m.
Route 9 – Route Revision
The modification to Route 9 involves an extension of service to include a stop at the newly completed Big Cypress Market Place. Route 9 began serving the Big Cypress Market Place located approximately four and one-half miles southeast of Collier Boulevard on US 41 following its stop at Charlee Estates. This service revision became effective on October 10.
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Edited by Udut, Kenneth on Feb. 27 2009