Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.
Collier County Health department 239-252-8200 and select option 2.
Collier County
October 26, 2009 8:22 AM
Clinic Locations:
Collier County received 1900 doses of H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine on Tuesday, October 13th. Although this initial shipment is limited, weekly shipments are expected with the anticipation all Collier residents and visitors will have an opportunity to obtain the vaccine in the coming months.
To utilize the first shipments of vaccine most effectively and give it to high risk individuals* who can receive FluMist, it will be administered as follows:
The Health Department will give begin vaccinating children (with signed parental consent) in daycare centers and schools
(for more information regarding the school effort please go to http://www.collierschools.com/parents/swineflu.asp
To local pediatricians who have ordered the vaccine and offered to give the vaccine to their highest risk patients.
To healthcare and emergency services personnel who have direct patient contact.
1. pregnant women,
2. persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers), 3. health-care and emergency medical services personnel as defined in the MMWR (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr58e0821a1.htm) 4. persons aged 6 months24 years, and
5. persons aged 2564 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications
The Health Department does not currently have enough vaccine to open a community vaccination clinic. However, now that vaccine is being shipped weekly, we anticipate opening a community vaccination clinic during the last week of October for individuals in the first priority group as listed above. The Health Department will announce specific locations, dates and times where the community can access the vaccine. The community can also obtain this information by visiting this site www.CollierPrepares.org or www.myflusafety.com, or call 252-8200 and chose option 2 on the message line.
To stay up to date on local and national issues related to H1N1 Swine flu, visit www.CollierPrepares.org
The Florida Department of Health offers a 24 hour flu information line for questions in English, Spanish or Creole: 1-877-FLA-FLU1 (1-877-352-3581)
CDC information line: 1-800-232-4636, or TTY 1-888-232-6348
Línea de información del Departamento de Salud de la Florida - 1-877-352-3581
Línea de información de CDC - 800-232-4636, ó TTY 888-232-6348
Who Should Not Be Vaccinated? Some people should not be vaccinated without first consulting a physician. They include:
· People who have a severe allergy to chicken eggs.
· People who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccination in the past.
· People who developed Guillian-Barré syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of getting an influenza vaccine previously.
· Children less than 6 months of age (influenza vaccine is not approved for use in this age group).
· People who have a moderate or severe illness with a fever should wait to get vaccinated until their symptoms lessen.
If you have questions about whether you should get a flu vaccination, consult your healthcare provider.
*SIGH* - I didn't want to have to put up a page on Swine Flu in Naples, but I have to, I guess. Here's some of what Collier County is doing in regards to the Swine Flu. (which, by the way, is just as fixable as the regular flu but it still stinks) -Ken
http://www.winknews.com/news/local/44027577.html COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. - From phone calls to the health department to mask supplies running out, people living in Collier County are taking measures to protect themselves from becoming infected with Swine Flu.
Nurses from the Collier County Health Department are now spending their days answering the phones, taking questions from people concerned about swine flu.
"Where can I get masks, what are the symptoms?" Registered Nurse Judy Nuland says.
The goal of the Health Department is to put people's fears at ease, but also to get any possible cases contained before swine flu can spread here.
"People don't have any immunity for it, and there's no vaccine," Collier Health Department Public Information Officer Deb Millsap says.
That's why she says swine flu is being taken more seriously than the flu we regularly hear about.
While there are no cases reported here, people in Collier are taking precautions, by buying masks.
"We're pretty much wiped out. Were down to the bare bones," Summit Medical Supply Manager Bill Townsend says.
Summit Medical Supply is out of the N-95 Respirators, but they've seen people coming in all week buying doctor's masks.
"Had a lady that lived here in Naples, and she was buying them to send to family in New Jersey and New York, and I overheard another customer yesterday, said they were going to send them to their family in Mexico," Townsend says.
Others are buying masks for themselves.
"I'll probably wear it in the plane for sure," one woman getting ready to travel told us.
"Somebody came in today. They flew in from JFK, and they said everybody on the plane had one," Townsend says.
While people are rushing to buy masks, the World Health Organization says the best thing you can do is wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
If you have any questions about swine flu, call the Collier Health Department Swine Flu Hot-line at 239-252-6220 or visit their web-site www.collierprepares.org
http://www.nbc-2.com/articles/readarticle.asp?articleid=28978&z=3 COLLIER COUNTY: After finding out that a Lee County elementary student may possibly be infected with swine flu, the Collier County School District is making preparations of its own.
Eileen Vargo, Coordinator of Health Services for the Collier County School District, says school administrators are sending out additional CDC information to principals at all Collier schools regarding swine flu prevention.
Principals and all school nurses are being urged to do "additional surveillance" at their schools to help identify any students with any flu-like symptoms.
Vargo says that if they find students with symptoms, nurses will check the students and says it is up to each individual principal on how - or even if - they want to communicate this extra info to parents or not.
At this point, no district-wide letters are going out to parents.
And right now, there are no suspected cases in Collier County schools.
Charlotte County schools will also be stepping up precautions. They will be looking for students who may be showing symptoms of swine flu.
On top of that, they will be hanging posters in restrooms reminding kids to wash their hands.
The school district's head nurse will also get daily briefings from the Health Department.
from: http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2009/may/02/second-swine-flu-virus-case-confirmed-spring-creek/
BONITA SPRINGS — The Lee County Health Department is distributing Tami-Flu to Spring Creek Elementary children with chronic conditions.
Children with conditions that make them more susceptible to contracting swine flu, such as asthma, are being given the option of taking Tami-Flu, which can help treat and prevent influenza viruses.
Parents of students with chronic illnesses who are attending the school can pick up Tami-Flu at the health department, 83 Pondella Road in North Fort Myers. The office is 23 miles from the school.
Only one student at Spring Creek Elementary has a confirmed case of swine flu, Lee County Health Department spokeswoman Jennifer James-Mesloh said.
Contrary to earlier reports, James-Mesloh said a second suspected case of swine flu in a student at the school has not been confirmed and said that no further cases are suspected at this time.
Collier County Health department 239-252-8200 and select option 2.
Collier County
October 26, 2009 8:22 AM
Clinic Locations:
Collier County received 1900 doses of H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine on Tuesday, October 13th. Although this initial shipment is limited, weekly shipments are expected with the anticipation all Collier residents and visitors will have an opportunity to obtain the vaccine in the coming months.
To utilize the first shipments of vaccine most effectively and give it to high risk individuals* who can receive FluMist, it will be administered as follows:
The Health Department will give begin vaccinating children (with signed parental consent) in daycare centers and schools
(for more information regarding the school effort please go to http://www.collierschools.com/parents/swineflu.asp
To local pediatricians who have ordered the vaccine and offered to give the vaccine to their highest risk patients.
To healthcare and emergency services personnel who have direct patient contact.
- The Health Department is following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to ensure those at the highest risk for H1N1 Swine flu and its related complications are vaccinated first. The first priority group includes:
1. pregnant women,
2. persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers), 3. health-care and emergency medical services personnel as defined in the MMWR (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr58e0821a1.htm) 4. persons aged 6 months
5. persons aged 25
The Health Department does not currently have enough vaccine to open a community vaccination clinic. However, now that vaccine is being shipped weekly, we anticipate opening a community vaccination clinic during the last week of October for individuals in the first priority group as listed above. The Health Department will announce specific locations, dates and times where the community can access the vaccine. The community can also obtain this information by visiting this site www.CollierPrepares.org or www.myflusafety.com, or call 252-8200 and chose option 2 on the message line.
To stay up to date on local and national issues related to H1N1 Swine flu, visit www.CollierPrepares.org
The Florida Department of Health offers a 24 hour flu information line for questions in English, Spanish or Creole: 1-877-FLA-FLU1 (1-877-352-3581)
CDC information line: 1-800-232-4636, or TTY 1-888-232-6348
Línea de información del Departamento de Salud de la Florida - 1-877-352-3581
Línea de información de CDC - 800-232-4636, ó TTY 888-232-6348
Who Should Not Be Vaccinated? Some people should not be vaccinated without first consulting a physician. They include:
· People who have a severe allergy to chicken eggs.
· People who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccination in the past.
· People who developed Guillian-Barré syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of getting an influenza vaccine previously.
· Children less than 6 months of age (influenza vaccine is not approved for use in this age group).
· People who have a moderate or severe illness with a fever should wait to get vaccinated until their symptoms lessen.
If you have questions about whether you should get a flu vaccination, consult your healthcare provider.
*SIGH* - I didn't want to have to put up a page on Swine Flu in Naples, but I have to, I guess. Here's some of what Collier County is doing in regards to the Swine Flu. (which, by the way, is just as fixable as the regular flu but it still stinks) -Ken
http://www.winknews.com/news/local/44027577.html COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. - From phone calls to the health department to mask supplies running out, people living in Collier County are taking measures to protect themselves from becoming infected with Swine Flu.
Nurses from the Collier County Health Department are now spending their days answering the phones, taking questions from people concerned about swine flu.
"Where can I get masks, what are the symptoms?" Registered Nurse Judy Nuland says.
The goal of the Health Department is to put people's fears at ease, but also to get any possible cases contained before swine flu can spread here.
"People don't have any immunity for it, and there's no vaccine," Collier Health Department Public Information Officer Deb Millsap says.
That's why she says swine flu is being taken more seriously than the flu we regularly hear about.
While there are no cases reported here, people in Collier are taking precautions, by buying masks.
"We're pretty much wiped out. Were down to the bare bones," Summit Medical Supply Manager Bill Townsend says.
Summit Medical Supply is out of the N-95 Respirators, but they've seen people coming in all week buying doctor's masks.
"Had a lady that lived here in Naples, and she was buying them to send to family in New Jersey and New York, and I overheard another customer yesterday, said they were going to send them to their family in Mexico," Townsend says.
Others are buying masks for themselves.
"I'll probably wear it in the plane for sure," one woman getting ready to travel told us.
"Somebody came in today. They flew in from JFK, and they said everybody on the plane had one," Townsend says.
While people are rushing to buy masks, the World Health Organization says the best thing you can do is wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
If you have any questions about swine flu, call the Collier Health Department Swine Flu Hot-line at 239-252-6220 or visit their web-site www.collierprepares.org
http://www.nbc-2.com/articles/readarticle.asp?articleid=28978&z=3 COLLIER COUNTY: After finding out that a Lee County elementary student may possibly be infected with swine flu, the Collier County School District is making preparations of its own.
Eileen Vargo, Coordinator of Health Services for the Collier County School District, says school administrators are sending out additional CDC information to principals at all Collier schools regarding swine flu prevention.
Principals and all school nurses are being urged to do "additional surveillance" at their schools to help identify any students with any flu-like symptoms.
Vargo says that if they find students with symptoms, nurses will check the students and says it is up to each individual principal on how - or even if - they want to communicate this extra info to parents or not.
At this point, no district-wide letters are going out to parents.
And right now, there are no suspected cases in Collier County schools.
Charlotte County schools will also be stepping up precautions. They will be looking for students who may be showing symptoms of swine flu.
On top of that, they will be hanging posters in restrooms reminding kids to wash their hands.
The school district's head nurse will also get daily briefings from the Health Department.
from: http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2009/may/02/second-swine-flu-virus-case-confirmed-spring-creek/
BONITA SPRINGS — The Lee County Health Department is distributing Tami-Flu to Spring Creek Elementary children with chronic conditions.
Children with conditions that make them more susceptible to contracting swine flu, such as asthma, are being given the option of taking Tami-Flu, which can help treat and prevent influenza viruses.
Parents of students with chronic illnesses who are attending the school can pick up Tami-Flu at the health department, 83 Pondella Road in North Fort Myers. The office is 23 miles from the school.
Only one student at Spring Creek Elementary has a confirmed case of swine flu, Lee County Health Department spokeswoman Jennifer James-Mesloh said.
Contrary to earlier reports, James-Mesloh said a second suspected case of swine flu in a student at the school has not been confirmed and said that no further cases are suspected at this time.
- www.collierprepares.org - (31 clicks)
Edited by Udut, Kenneth on May 3 2009 - NBC2 News - Collier, Charlotte schools prepping for swine flu - (4 clicks)
Edited by Udut, Kenneth on May 3 2009 - Swine Flu
Edited by Udut, Kenneth on May 3 2009