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Scale Manufacturers Association


Scale Manufacturers Association

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About The Scale Manufacturers Association (SMA)

The Association was established by scale industry leaders in 1945 to provide a permanent instrumentality for coordinating the efforts of many individuals in the best interest of the public; the owners and users of scales, and scale manufacturers.


The following purposes are listed in the Association's Articles of Incorporation:

To provide for collective action of members of the industry for the improvement of the industry as a whole, for the benefit not only of the industry but also of the public. To advance the science of weighing and the engineering and manufacture of instruments, apparatus, equipment, and facilities for and in connection with ways and means of weighing and force measuring. To make surveys pertaining to the industry and public needs and requirements with respect to weights and measures. To promote in a lawful manner the advancement of the industry and of fair and equitable customs, usages, and practices therein. To encourage proper observance of valid requirements and regulations pertaining to the operations, business, and practices of and within the industry as provided by federal and state laws. To engage in the collection and dissemination of such accurate statistical information as may serve to enable each manufacturer to conduct his business intelligently and with the knowledge of existing general business conditions in the industry, as determined by the Board of Directors.


is made up of leading manufacturers of weighing equipment and major weighing elements used in the nation. All manufacturers, integrators, and assemblers of weighing equipment are encouraged to become members of SMA and to participate in its activities.

Since its inception, SMA has enjoyed an unusually high degree of respect and appreciation from the public, affiliated professionals, and government regulatory agencies.

The affairs of the Association are directed and supervised by a six-member board of directors, while the day to day administration is handled by the Association's executive staff from their headquarters in Naples, Florida.

Meetings of the Association are held twice a year in which matters of current interest are discussed, ideas and information are exchanged, positions on industry and regulatory issues are voted on, and where cooperative efforts to solve mutual problems are conducted. These semi-annual meetings have proved to be an excellent opportunity for member companies to become better acquainted, to discuss scale matters of mutual interest, and to exchange new information pertaining to scale use and development. They also provide the opportunity to meet and hear state and federal officials concerning weights and measures laws and regulations.


Any business entity that, for a period of one or more years immediately preceding the date of its membership application, which has been engaged within the United States in the manufacture or sale of scales, balances, weighing or force measuring machines, or major weighing elements (e.g., load receivers, transducers, or primary indicators) shall be eligible to apply for membership in the Scale Manufacturers Association.

Application for membership shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Director SMA, 6724 Lone Oak Blvd., Naples, Florida 34109. The letter shall include a self-certification that the company meets the criteria for membership. The submission will be voted upon by the SMA Board of Directors. Upon approval of an application for membership, the applicant company shall submit, in confidence, to the Executive Director, the company's relevant sales information for the purpose of computation of membership dues.
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Scale Manufacturers Association
