Danger Coming Through the Unused Drains In Your Home (Do You Really Know What's In Your Home)
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Did you know that your water evaporates from your plumbing fixtures in as little as 10 to 14 days? Did you know that Toxic Sewer Gases could be entering your home through your dry plumbing fixtures?
These toxic sewer gases include Methane Gases, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Oxides. Did you know that these sewer gases can be detrimental to you and your family's health?
Hydrogen Sulfide poisoning can interfere with your sense of smell, making this warning sign unreliable. At extremely high levels it can cause immediate loss of conscienceness and possibly even death. Asphyxiation can also be caused by high concentrations of methane gas in enclosed areas and can lead to suffocation due to the decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air.
A local company known as "The Drain Masters" sells a product they call "Drain Guard" which is environmentally safe and protects your drain from these poisonous gasses. Drain Guard's protection formula has been formulated to seal your drains with a non-evaporative substance that helps keep the harmful gases and pesky critters out of your home or business for up to 8 months.
By code every plumbing fixture is required to have a P-Trap, to ensure that no harmful gases enter your home or business. A P-Trap is designed to trap sewer gases and odors inside the plumbing system driving these gases out through vent pipes which usually extend through the roof of the building. When left unused for 10 to 14 days, the water in the P-Trap will evaporate, causing unwanted odors, gases and insects to come into your home or office.
If you'd like more information on this topic, or you'd like to schedule an interview, please feel free to contact Tristan Velez or Dan Guarascio at 239 598-3033 or email thedrainguard@gmail.com

Rate this! 1-5 starsHydrogen Sulfide poisoning can interfere with your sense of smell, making this warning sign unreliable. At extremely high levels it can cause immediate loss of conscienceness and possibly even death. Asphyxiation can also be caused by high concentrations of methane gas in enclosed areas and can lead to suffocation due to the decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air.
A local company known as "The Drain Masters" sells a product they call "Drain Guard" which is environmentally safe and protects your drain from these poisonous gasses. Drain Guard's protection formula has been formulated to seal your drains with a non-evaporative substance that helps keep the harmful gases and pesky critters out of your home or business for up to 8 months.
By code every plumbing fixture is required to have a P-Trap, to ensure that no harmful gases enter your home or business. A P-Trap is designed to trap sewer gases and odors inside the plumbing system driving these gases out through vent pipes which usually extend through the roof of the building. When left unused for 10 to 14 days, the water in the P-Trap will evaporate, causing unwanted odors, gases and insects to come into your home or office.
If you'd like more information on this topic, or you'd like to schedule an interview, please feel free to contact Tristan Velez or Dan Guarascio at 239 598-3033 or email thedrainguard@gmail.com

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