MenSynergy-Life Coaching Organization
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Welcome to MenSynergy. We are a life coaching organization specifically designed to help men and women achieve their desired goals.
What is Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is motivational, inspiring, positive, exciting and action driven. Life coaching helps you look at where you are now and where you’d like to be, and helps you bridge the gap. By raising awareness and encouraging you to take responsibility for your life, life coaching can help you rise to your own particular challenge and go further than you ever thought possible.
Coaching involves a lot of hard work and commitment. However, if you are ready for change in your life, the benefits can be enormous.
What if you’re unsure if your issues are suitable for coaching? The only way to be really sure is to have an informal chat with a life coach. However, have a look at the following statements and see if they apply to you.
I've had a problem or challenge that's been around for a long time, but I've never managed to sort it out.
I've got dreams but I'm not living them.
I'm always ..... and can't seem to get out of this cycle no matter what I do.
I have a pressing issue to resolve but don't know where to start.
Things are OK for me but could be better.
I seem to spend all of my life trying to catch up.
My life seems to be all work and no play.
I think things would be great if only I had …..a new job, I could lose weight, I could sell my house…………etc. etc
I would just like to run my ideas past someone who isn't going to pour cold water over them all the time.
I'm hiding relationship problems because I can't share them with family and friends, as this would feel disloyal to my partner.
I'm in a rut and feel too drained to get out of it.
I've lost direction.
If you've identified with one or more of these statements, then life coaching could make the difference you're looking for.
How Does Life Coaching Work?
The MenSynergy life coaching process addresses specific personal needs within four main areas:
Business & finance
By completing a comprehensive needs analysis we can discover what obstacles or challenges might be hindering you in reaching your full potential and happiness in any, or all of these areas. In co-operation with you, we will implement strategies to help you achieve your desired goals. We will coach you through the process until you succeed and celebrate with you in your achievements.
Coaching can be face to face or on the telephone. You will meet/ring your coach at a pre-arranged time for weekly sessions, which can last between 30 and 60 minutes.
During that time, your coach will establish an issue with you, and encourage you, with a series of questions to set a goal. With guidance from your coach, you will explore various options open to you that might enable you to take a step nearer to your goal. If talking to someone doesn’t appeal, we offer email coaching which can be surprisingly effective, giving both parties the time to think before setting their thoughts, questions and answers down in type.
Whichever method you choose, life coaching will be a challenging experience for you, requiring a high level of enthusiasm and commitment, but well worth the effort.
The Benefits of Having a Life Coach
You get to talk about your problems and challenges with someone who's not going to interrupt you, make judgements about you, criticise what you're saying, or offer opinions based on their own experience.
If you're feeling negative and lacking in motivation, your coach will help you challenge limiting assumptions and beliefs you may be holding, about the situations you find yourself in, that are stopping you moving forward.
Life coaching will give you the space and time to think through your challenges and options.
You can use your life coach as a sounding board for all of your ideas, like your business plan, what to put in a presentation, how to have a successful interview, how to start a new hobby, your new fitness regime; the list is endless.
If you've lost direction, your coach will help you to focus by setting you some highly effective exercises designed to help you identify what you'd like to have, be and do.
If you've got a nagging doubt about what you're doing in your life or things just don't feel right, but you don't know why, it may be that your not sticking to your values, the things that are most important to you, like achievement, dom, success, caring for others, peace of mind etc. Your coach will help you discover your true values, and help you work on a plan for fulfilling them.
Everything you say will be in total confidence.
Your coach will offer suggestions if it is appropriate and something you would welcome.
Join MenSynergy today and achieve your full potential!
To view our website:

Rate this! 1-5 starsLife Coaching is motivational, inspiring, positive, exciting and action driven. Life coaching helps you look at where you are now and where you’d like to be, and helps you bridge the gap. By raising awareness and encouraging you to take responsibility for your life, life coaching can help you rise to your own particular challenge and go further than you ever thought possible.
Coaching involves a lot of hard work and commitment. However, if you are ready for change in your life, the benefits can be enormous.
What if you’re unsure if your issues are suitable for coaching? The only way to be really sure is to have an informal chat with a life coach. However, have a look at the following statements and see if they apply to you.
I've had a problem or challenge that's been around for a long time, but I've never managed to sort it out.
I've got dreams but I'm not living them.
I'm always ..... and can't seem to get out of this cycle no matter what I do.
I have a pressing issue to resolve but don't know where to start.
Things are OK for me but could be better.
I seem to spend all of my life trying to catch up.
My life seems to be all work and no play.
I think things would be great if only I had …..a new job, I could lose weight, I could sell my house…………etc. etc
I would just like to run my ideas past someone who isn't going to pour cold water over them all the time.
I'm hiding relationship problems because I can't share them with family and friends, as this would feel disloyal to my partner.
I'm in a rut and feel too drained to get out of it.
I've lost direction.
If you've identified with one or more of these statements, then life coaching could make the difference you're looking for.
How Does Life Coaching Work?
The MenSynergy life coaching process addresses specific personal needs within four main areas:
Business & finance
By completing a comprehensive needs analysis we can discover what obstacles or challenges might be hindering you in reaching your full potential and happiness in any, or all of these areas. In co-operation with you, we will implement strategies to help you achieve your desired goals. We will coach you through the process until you succeed and celebrate with you in your achievements.
Coaching can be face to face or on the telephone. You will meet/ring your coach at a pre-arranged time for weekly sessions, which can last between 30 and 60 minutes.
During that time, your coach will establish an issue with you, and encourage you, with a series of questions to set a goal. With guidance from your coach, you will explore various options open to you that might enable you to take a step nearer to your goal. If talking to someone doesn’t appeal, we offer email coaching which can be surprisingly effective, giving both parties the time to think before setting their thoughts, questions and answers down in type.
Whichever method you choose, life coaching will be a challenging experience for you, requiring a high level of enthusiasm and commitment, but well worth the effort.
The Benefits of Having a Life Coach
You get to talk about your problems and challenges with someone who's not going to interrupt you, make judgements about you, criticise what you're saying, or offer opinions based on their own experience.
If you're feeling negative and lacking in motivation, your coach will help you challenge limiting assumptions and beliefs you may be holding, about the situations you find yourself in, that are stopping you moving forward.
Life coaching will give you the space and time to think through your challenges and options.
You can use your life coach as a sounding board for all of your ideas, like your business plan, what to put in a presentation, how to have a successful interview, how to start a new hobby, your new fitness regime; the list is endless.
If you've lost direction, your coach will help you to focus by setting you some highly effective exercises designed to help you identify what you'd like to have, be and do.
If you've got a nagging doubt about what you're doing in your life or things just don't feel right, but you don't know why, it may be that your not sticking to your values, the things that are most important to you, like achievement, dom, success, caring for others, peace of mind etc. Your coach will help you discover your true values, and help you work on a plan for fulfilling them.
Everything you say will be in total confidence.
Your coach will offer suggestions if it is appropriate and something you would welcome.
Join MenSynergy today and achieve your full potential!
To view our website:

- MenSynergy-Life Coaching Organization
Edited by Arianna Kelsey on Dec. 1 2010
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