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Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Southern Florida – West Coast Operations Manager Retires


Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Southern Florida – West Coast Operations Manager Retires

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After almost 13 years as the West Coast Operations Manager of the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Southern Florida, Judith Yevick has retired from her position at the Foundation. When she opened the West Coast office in 1999, there were just 22 children receiving wishes and now there are more than 90 per year. There has also been a dramatic increase in the number of children with life-threatening illnesses referred to the Foundation, as well as, an increase in the number of volunteers to help the Foundation reach its goals and fulfill its mission each year.

According to Yevick, she has always felt that regardless of what activities she was engaged in, whether in the office or out in the community, her efforts have helped children to once again feel that good things can still happen. “Children who receive wishes are empowered and able to make plans for the future,” said Yevick. “I hope to remain a part of the Foundation by volunteering my time and my talents. I love the look on a child’s face when they have their wish granted, there is nothing better than to see a smile on a child’s face.” With many more children waiting to receive their heartfelt wish, potential volunteers, wish sponsors and businesses interested in turning a child’s wish into a reality, can learn how to help by contacting the local office. More about the Make-A-Wish Foundation: The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Florida grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. Twenty-eight years of magic and more than 8,000 wishes later, the Foundation continues its mission to share the power of a wish® with ailing children. For more information, to make a donation, volunteer or become a wish sponsor, visit or call Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Florida at (239) 992-9474.
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Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Southern Florida –
West Coast Operations Manager Retires
