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Studies Prove Cologne Pheromone Formulations Yield Good Results


Studies Prove Cologne Pheromone Formulations Yield Good Results

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Scientists have continuously been studying how scent affects human behavior. Scent definitely has an effect on people, thus, the multi-billion business of manufacturing fragrances

May 13, 2013 - Scientists have continuously been studying how scent affects human behavior. Scent definitely has an effect on people, thus, the multi-billion business of manufacturing fragrances. Cologne pheromone formulations, however, continue to pique the interest of researchers. Can cologne pheromone (with or without fragrance) influence human behavior on physical attraction? Recent studies from researchers at the University of Chicago say that they found proof that will show that humans do react to pheromones.

Pheromones are airborne, undetectable odors produced by humans and animals. Animals use pheromones to communicate with each other and attract mates. It's a reasonable assumption that humans do have responses to pheromones too. The study made by University of Chicago researchers show that humans have nerve cells in the nose that react to undetectable odors and affects sexual arousal to a certain degree. The same studies also show that in many cases, the presence of pheromone scent encourages ovulation in women. Scientists earmarked this discovery as a potentially effective way to encourage pregnancy among women.

Other studies show how chemically altered pheromones can influence a person's mood. Interestingly enough, brain scans show that the brain does react to the odorless scent of pheromones. The brain scans also show that the brains of lesbian women react the same way to pheromones as the brains of male subjects do. A lot still remains to be learned about cologne pheromone production. There are still a lot of studies underway to help people understand how to harness pheromones in perfumes. Check out pheromone colognes available at A lot of people swear by the effectiveness of cologne pheromone use. Pheromone colognes help set the stage by encouraging attentiveness. It works best in increasing sexual interest, not the sex drive itself. These days, the development of pheromone colognes is continuing to develop. These days it often includes designer scents.

As studies indicate, pheromones do encourage a physical response from individuals. The website, which has been operational for over 7 years, has thousands of satisfied customers attesting to the effectiveness of its products. These scientifically proven pheromone colognes come with a risk-free, 30-day guarantee. The guarantee assures that you'll get your money back, no questions asked, if you're not satisfied with the results of using the product within 30 days. For people who want to improve their dating life, this could be worth a try. Orders can be placed online, and deliveries made within a few days.

Contact Info:

New Age Alternatives P.O. Box 2006 San Marcos, CA 92079-2006 Phone: (503) 931-3269
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Studies Prove Cologne Pheromone Formulations Yield Good Results

 Scientists have continuously been studying how scent affects human behavior. Scent definitely has an effect on people, thus, the multi-billion business of manufacturing fragrances
