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Get a Clinic Room for Rent in Melbourne at Vital Integrated Health Clinic


Get a Clinic Room for Rent in Melbourne at Vital Integrated Health Clinic

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Are you a medical practitioner who is looking for clean, well-managed premises for setting up your own consultation clinic

Melbourne, 16th May 2013 - Are you a medical practitioner who is looking for clean, well-managed premises for setting up your own consultation clinic? How would you like to get associated with a clinic that houses a broad range of trusted alternative therapies and credible alternative health practitioners? Vital Integrated Health Clinic in Kew, is now offering consulting rooms for rent in Melbourne for doctors and therapists who wish to add another level of sophistication to their practice.

The Vital integrated health clinic is one of those organizations that has single handedly won the trust and support of the local community for providing excellent health care services relating to different kinds of ailments, all under one roof. This alternative health Melbourne clinic is one of the most credible and longstanding clinics to get effective, long lasting and side effect free relief from any chronic health issue that you might be suffering from.

“Get clinical Rooms and Massage Rooms for Rent in Kew for passionate healthcare professionals. We are looking for fully qualified professionals who would like to join our diverse team of therapists, who are dedicated to helping their clients achieve healthy, fulfilling & passionate lives. Single casual hours can be booked online from home which is easily accessible and efficient at $20 per hour, to allow you to pick and choose your clinic hours to suit you and your client. Permanent bookings of 4 hour blocks or more have a significantly reduced hourly rate. Please call us to get our specific rates for the hours that suit your needs.We offer clean, modern facilities with a welcoming waiting area stocked with current reading material for the enjoyment of your client, we have a lovely well-presented receptionist who will welcome your clients and is here to facilitate the completion of any paperwork or payments that you may require. ” said the owner of Vital Integrated Health Clinic and the website

The consulting rooms for rent in Melbourne being offered by the Vital integrated health clinic are equipped with modern facilities that are necessary for healthcare professionals to offer the best of services to patients. Those interested in this offer can view the pictures of these clinic rooms on

For more information about the clinic or the practitioners or for discussing your case, please visit the website

ABOUT THE CLINIC Established in 2006, Vital Integrated Health Clinic is one of the leading clinics offering treatment through alternative medicine and therapies like Acupuncture, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Reiki, Bio-reasonance therapy, Chiropractic, Myotherapy, Naturopathy, NLP, Lymphatic drainage and numerous forms of massage treatments all of which help for health issues like allergies, addictions, stress, depression and mental illness, headaches, skin conditions, digestive complaints, fertility issues, muscular aches, dietary issues and many more. With their team of highly skilled and experienced practitioners, the clinic ensures that its patients comprehensively regain their good health and vitality.

CONTACT INFORMATION Vital Integrated Health Clinic 77 Willsmere Road Kew, Melbourne, 3101, Victoria Australia. Phone: (613) 9853-7763 Email: Website:
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Get a Clinic Room for Rent in Melbourne at Vital Integrated Health Clinic  Are you a medical practitioner who is looking for clean, well-managed premises for setting up your own consultation clinic
