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IceTech Introduces State-of-the-Art Dry Ice Blasting and Dry Ice Production Machines


IceTech Introduces State-of-the-Art Dry Ice Blasting and Dry Ice Production Machines

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IceTech, a leading manufacturer of dry ice machine products across the United States, Europe, and Germany, offers state-of-the-art, innovative and revolutionary dry ice blasting and dry ice production solutions that have swept away the conventional industrial cleaning techniques.

Ohio, United States - September 28, 2013 - IceTech, a leading manufacturer of dry ice machine products across the United States, Europe, and Germany, offers state-of-the-art, innovative and revolutionary dry ice blasting and dry ice production solutions that have swept away the conventional industrial cleaning techniques. Each product is designed and manufactured with unique customer-oriented enhancements to deliver supreme reliability and efficiency.

Leveraging vast industry experience and technology expertise, IceTech provides high-performance and reliable ice blasting machines and pellet ice maker products with cutting-edge engineering efficiency and competence. Of late, the company launched its new SUPREME model of dry ice blasting equipment that offers the clients the latest engineering technology, unmatched performance, and reliability that is nowhere found across the industry. The machine is capable of providing the operator with complete control of dry ice consumption and air pressure right from the front control panel of the machine.

In a scenario where global industries are confronting a tough challenge pertaining to cleaning industrial equipment and applications in an efficient manner that does not reduce their life or performance, a dry ice machine from IceTech guarantees superior cleaning, without leaving behind any waste material. Since only dry ice pellets are used in the cleaning techniques, the revolutionary ice blasting technique from IceTech is typically non-abrasive and does not damage the surfaces since dry ice vaporizes as soon as it comes in contact to the object. Moreover, it does not cause any damage to the surface unlike sand or glass blasting techniques and use of hazardous chemicals and solvents.

The unique and high-performance dry ice production and blasting machines from IceTech are most effective in cleaning any type of object that cannot be cleaned by other techniques. Moreover, they are most efficient in cleaning easily-damaged surfaces such as chromium, nickel, and soft aluminum, while being most effective in removing coatings such as varnish, adhesives, grease, oil, soot, mould, bitumen, and coal dust. In a scenario where there is no scope for error, automated dry ice production solutions from IceTech guarantees highest levels of productivity and reliability. IceTech’s dry ice machine sets the new benchmark in producing high volume dry ice with unprecedented efficiency and flexibility.

For more information about the company and the products and services they offer, please visit the website

About The Company

Ice Tech was formed in 1998 to design and manufacture reliable, high-performance dry ice blasting equipment, with the goal of becoming the world’s leading solution provider of dry ice blasting systems, dry ice pellets, pellet ice maker and technology.

Contact Information


Address: 5217 Muhlhauser Road,

West Chester, Ohio,

USA- 45011

Phone: +1 513-942-4144



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IceTech Introduces State-of-the-Art Dry Ice Blasting and Dry Ice Production Machines IceTech, a leading manufacturer of dry ice machine products across the United States, Europe, and Germany, offers state-of-the-art, innovative and revolutionary dry ice blasting and dry ice production solutions that have swept away the conventional industrial cleaning techniques.
