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New Online Business Opportunity from Indonesia Famous Ustadz


New Online Business Opportunity from Indonesia Famous Ustadz

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The trend of online business has prompted Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur to create his own online business

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In the era where good ustadz (Islamic teachers) are appreciated to the similar level of celebrities, Yusuf Mansyur arises as one of the leading Islamic teachers that do not only teach people about religion in more friendly way, but also practical methods to work and create business in the way Islam principle approves. Now, he has launched new online business that aims to reach more to do good and honest online business, by giving business opportunities available for anyone with various backgrounds.

Online Business by Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur Veritra Network, managed by PT Veritra Sentosa Internasional, was created as a network marketing business model, aimed to every person who wishes to have income source without specific requirements such as diploma certificate or certain backgrounds. The network is marketed as dan Offline Murah (Cheap Online and Offline Business), in which people can combine both online and traditional or offline marketing methods to gain income.

The main product of this network marketing system is herbal supplement called Habs-Pro, health supplement with various benefits. The product type was chosen because many Indonesian people depend on herbal supplements to stay healthy and support recuperation process from various diseases. The combination between network marketing and herbal supplement product apparently becomes the method of Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur to reach all types of people and classes in Indonesia, whether as member marketer or customer.

Behind many controversies about MLM business, Ustads Yusuf Mansyur has emphasized that honest network marketing is an ideal income source. The result is based on how hard a marketer works to offer his or her products, and he or she only gets result based on the efforts. Therefore, according to him, it really involves honesty and hardworking values, something that are very agreeable in Islamic principles.

The business center is located in Bandung, and offers several marketing packages called Hak Usaha, ranging from the lowest that only costs less 300 thousands rupiahs, to the highest that demands working capital of more than 4 million rupiahs plus cash back bonus. Four packages were made so that people can choose package that suits their budgets most.

Veritra Network is still growing and adding more members. And if Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur can really change the life of many people economically, the business apparently will become the testimony of his teaching values.

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Press Information : Name : Eko Cahyono Email : Telp : +6282139668669 Website :
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New Online Business Opportunity from Indonesia Famous Ustadz The trend of online business has prompted Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur to create his own online business
