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Brain development and sleeping! Is your child at risk?


Brain development and sleeping! Is your child at risk?

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A recent research says that children who have adequate sleep have stronger neurological connections and thus show more brain development. They are also less prone to behavioral problems.

4rd December 2013, ( :The very importance of a good night’s sleep is indisputable. When it comes to children, you hear about many parents’ reluctance to wake the sleeping children.

The study involved 8 children whose brain activities were checked when they were asleep. This activity was carried out when the children were 2 years old. The process was repeated when they turned 3 and 5.

The findings suggest that as the young child sleeps, the connection between his left and right brain become stronger by 20%. There is further improvement as the child grows up.

According to researchers, the study findings show close association between adequate sleep and brain maturation. However, it is not yet known how sleep is responsible for changes in brain structure. Researchers expressed hope that this research will help to study whether inadequate brain development or behavioral problems are caused by sleep disruptions. They aimed to study it through further research.

Researchers believe that inadequate sleep in childhood leads to improper development of those brain structures which in turn, may cause behavioral disorders.

During childhood, as the child learns something new every day, new connections are formed in the brain. A child’s brain makes drastic transformations. The connections are strengthened by coating of myelin sheath around the nerve fibers. The myelin sheath facilitates nerve communication. This is crucial for development of lingual skills of child as well as for the development of impulse control and attention.

Researchers said that it is necessary to instill good sleeping habits in the children. It would be beneficial to have consistent sleeping times for children. Children should get adequate sleep for 8-10 hours without any disturbance. Quality of sleep also matters.

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Jack Williams is a Health Content Writer For, adviser by profession. He is completed his post graduation in Bio-tech. And he is working with this new pharmacy in the internet market there many topics he has written for this and he got the good experience.
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Brain development and sleeping! Is your child at risk?
 A recent research says that children who have adequate sleep have stronger neurological connections and thus show more brain development. They are also less prone to behavioral problems.
