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Bears in Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL Collier County

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avatarUdut, Kenneth -- on Jul. 19 2007, from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.

black-bears - dogs love chasing 'em up trees.

Bears in Golden Gate Estates are definitely a nuisance. We built a poor-man's bear cage for our garbage cans using wooden pallets screwed together and it usually works, but those bears are smart!

One time it got the garbage can knocked over by pushing its paws INBETWEEN the slats in the palletes and pushed a can down from BEHIND! That's a smart bear.

The bear also gets into our corn and animal feed, shredding the bags and dragging them into the woods.

If a bear gets into your garbage cans and drags your garbage away, do the right thing and follow the garbage path into the woods and clean it up! "Our" black bears tend to drag a bag out about thirty feet into the woods. Then thirty feet further, another bag, etc etc. In the end, you'll end up with garbage in small piles about 30 feet apart - maybe a total of 4 - 6 piles.

It's worth picking it up - keeps other critters from making their way to your garbage cans too!

If you want to know how to make a bear "proof" garbage can holder, lemme know. Ours works. It works, and it's easy to make.

Ken Udut, living off Desoto For up-to-date news about bears in Collier County, look at my website:

and I'll be happy to explain how to make a bear-"proof" cage.
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Bears in Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL Collier County black-bears - dogs love chasing 'em up trees.
