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Business Telephone systems and their multiple uses in current business scenario


Business Telephone systems and their multiple uses in current business scenario

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Business telephone systems have advanced tremendously in aspects of technology and functionality.

Business telephone systems have advanced tremendously in aspects of technology and functionality. The old bulky and uncomfortable telephone devices are fast replaced with ergonomic models that are both comfortable as well as of great use to all users. Telephone systems were initially using analog cables and technology which had problems with accuracy and clarity. Moreover in the initial days users were connected to each other manually by telephone operators which had significant errors due to the human factor. Digital technology has progressed business telephone systems by multiple notches by removing all the disadvantages of analog connections with improved facilities and functionalities. These new innovative features are of immense help to businessmen who inevitably have to answer hundreds of calls on a daily basis. Latest business telephone systems make it possible to screen only such calls that are of top priority diverting the rest to sub-ordinates of secretarial positions to handle.

The various features of latest business telephone systems

The most recent additions to the various features of business telephone systems are call conferencing, contacts storing and retrieval, extension and hunting line facilities commonly known as intercoms, video conference, automated call answering popularly known as IVR (Interactivevoice response), integration with e-mail online calendar tasks, voice mail, etc. further, recording of telephonic conversations are also possible thanks to the innovative concept of memory chips which can hold significant amount of voice recordings. These recordings can be retrieved later to be used as per the desire of the user. Many legal cases have seen the use of voice recordings done with the use of business telephone systems as important evidence which are also considered authentic and factual by court of law.With integration with personal computer and calendar tasks businessmen are able to get timely prompts of calls to be made to clients. Further, intercoms reduce the lead time of inter-department and peer communication in business organisations by linking them with intercoms. Intercoms are provided at no cost for business organisations by telephone carriers except when the counts of lines exceed a particular limit.

Installing business telephone systems

Telephone carriers provide excellent customer support for providing telephone connections and establishing business telephone systems. They hold discussions with clients before initiating the installation process. Based on the discussions, the requirements of the clients are understood and appropriate telephone technology is chosen for installing the infrastructure. Different business organizations require different kinds of business telephone systems to meet their needs. The need of a manufacturing company would be extremely different from that of a call center or BPO. A thorough study and understanding of the requirements beforehand will ensure that the right service is selected. Telephone carriers with widespread network preferably a state of a country will be able to provide easy relocation of connections in case the business is shifting or expanding its operations. In case of individuals the same can be availed by making arrangements with the service provider at the time of opting for service.

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Business Telephone systems and their multiple uses in current business scenario Business telephone systems have advanced tremendously in aspects of technology and functionality.
