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Lebanese restaurant London


Lebanese restaurant London

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Different regions of Lebanon have different diet traditions and provide different variations of Lebanese food.

Finding an authentic Lebanese restaurant London

Different regions of Lebanon have different diet traditions and provide different variations of Lebanese food. For instance people on the coast usually prefer lamb while in the mountain regions goat meat is more popular. Garlic, olive oil and a hint of lemon juice are predominant in most staple items included in Lebanese cuisine. The usual methods of cooking are grilling, baking and sautéing in oil. Butter or cream are rare and may only be used in the occasional desert. If you are a foodie then it is definitely advisable to try Lebanese food. If you live in London or are visiting the metropolis for business or leisure you will do good to visit a Lebanese restaurant London for a taste of authentic Lebanese cuisine.

Herbs are spices

Herbs and spices feature heavily in Lebanese food and ingredients are always used fresh. These herbs and spices add interesting touch to all the tasty Lebanese dishes. Drink and food are almost always served at the same time. Lebanese food is often served as “MEzze” a style similar to the Spanish serving their tapas in small bowls. It is important to serve food in Mezze style when entertaining friends or family. An authentic Lebanese restaurant will always serve food in this style. Another important part of Lebanese dining is the inclusion of pita bread which skilled people used to the Lebanese way of dining will use to replace cutlery.

Some Lebanese dishes

Halawat e Jebn – This dish is essentially a cheese roll filled with ashta clotted cream served with syrup.

Atayef – This is a blinis in the Lebanese style which is filled with ashta clotted cream and is served with syrup.

Karabeej Halabi – These are shortcrsut pastries filled with pistachio and are served with meringue cream.

Main Lebanese dishes

There is a wide variety of main meal dishes in Lebanese cuisines like Shawarma lamb which is essentially marinated roast lamb slices served with tahini sauce.

Shawarma Chicken – marinated roast chicken breast slices served with garlic sauce.

Shish touk – Char grilled skewered cubes of marinated chicken breast served with a mild garlic sauce.

The coffee culture

Throughout Lebanon there is a culture of drinking thick rich coffee and an authentic Lebanese restaurant London will be sure to serve coffee in the Lebanese style. The coffee is drunk without any additives like sugar or milk, but cardamom is regularly added to the coffee giving it a unique flavour. Lebanese prefer bitter coffee and drinking coffee is a vital part of the Lebanese culture.

With the influx of international cultures into London the boring gastronomic scene has changed into a vibrant and varied one. Of course Lebanese food is one of the most popular cuisines in London apart from Chinese, Indian and French. There are many restaurants in London serving these different types of cuisines. Usually a restaurant serves only one type of cuisine, but it is also possible to find multi cuisine restaurants. However, bear in mind that eating out in London can be quite expensive and you will have to look around in order to find an eating place that doesn’t dig a sizeable hole in your pocket.

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Lebanese restaurant London Different regions of Lebanon have different diet traditions and provide different variations of Lebanese food.
