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Renal Failure And Explanation About Its Types


Renal Failure And Explanation About Its Types

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Renal failure is a medical condition in which kidney fail to filter waste products from the blood.

21st May, 2014 ( Renal failure is a medical condition in which kidney fail to filter waste products from the blood. Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney injury are two types of renal failure. Symptoms of kidney injury may include little or no urine when a person is trying to urinate, vomiting, flank pain, feeling confused, anxious and restless, swelling, nausea and not feeling like eating.

Acute kidney injury

Acute kidney injury takes place in human when his/her kidney has suddenly stopped working. When there is sudden stop of kidney functioning, fluids, electrolytes, and waste products build up in person’s body and those are not removed by the kidneys. This can be dangerous and create life threatening problem.

Causes of getting affected by acute injury is high if a person is older, long-term health problems such as kidney, and\or liver disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart cancer, person having fewer drops of blood flow to the kidneys, Infection called sepsis can reduce blood flow to the kidneys. Pain medicines such as naproxen, ibuprofen, antibiotics such as gentamicin, and streptomycin, dyes used in X-ray tests, blood pressure medicines like ACE inhibitors causes acute chronic disease.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a condition of slow stop in the functioning of kidneys over time. The total loss of kidney function usually takes years. Other diseases that can cause chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. Systematic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polyscystic kidney disease, toxic chemicals, injury, or trauma, glomerulonephritis, kidney stone, infections, taking pain medications, arteries problems, and other kidney disease can cause chronic kidney disease. For more please visit : 100 Railway Street, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA-2766

Andy decosta completed his graduation in Biotechnology and also did PhD in Bio-pharmacology. He works as a medical consultant for
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Renal Failure And Explanation About Its Types
 Renal failure is a medical condition in which kidney fail to filter waste products from the blood.
