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PPC Help With Bid Adjustments

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Getting back to bid adjustments groups of location, time and device you should decide which one is most important and manage your ppc management adverts in this way.

During today's article I will inform you of how to manage the bidding on your PPC campaigns. You can actual set bid adjustments for mobiles, for the time of day and for locations. These means that you can tailor your campaigns so that they are more profitable.

So for example, say you run a shop in London selling shoes and you have a PPC campaign in operation. You have looked at the conversions on your sales and you see that you have sold much more shoes through your PPC campaign on a Sunday that any other day. So the best practice to implement is to increase your bids for keywords on a Sunday.

Then on a further review of your success by device you have found that mobile do not convert as well as desk top computers for sales. So you can decrease the bid for keywords on mobiles so that more of your budget is being spent on people on computers that have more of chance of buying.

With shoes another important consideration is that there are 2 distinct markets between male and females. Therefore, you should create separate campaigns for both males and females. In addition, the male adverts landing page should be on the male shoes page and the female adverts landing page should be on the female shoes landing page. You can take this a step further and create separate ad groups for each type of shoe that you are selling. This will help convert into more sales and will allow you to notice which shoes are selling and which are not.

Getting back to bid adjustments groups of location, time and device you should decide which one is most important and manage your ppc management adverts in this way. Then once the first keywords have their bids adjusted by say location then decide which are the second more important group and then the third. For example, if one store in London is outperforming all the other stores and making the most money then the most important factor will be location. Then you notice that sales fluctuate a substantial amount by day so you can then adjust by day. Then you notice that mobiles gain a slightly smaller conversion rate. This would mean you would adjust bids by mobile at the end.

Testing of your ppc management london Campaigns should be done on a regular basis to ensure that results are running as they should be and no changes have taken place in the conversion rates. In particular, seasonal fluctuations are a common problem in many Ad Word campaigns. More people tend to buy presents for Christmas and so sales may peak during this time so there should be a bid adjustment for this period.

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PPC Help With Bid Adjustments Getting back to bid adjustments groups of location, time and device you should decide which one is most important and manage your ppc management adverts in this way.
