SparcIt Announced the Release of IgniteIt: Its New Engine for Psychometric Creativity Assessment
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1888 Press Release - IgniteIt uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and semantic networks from Computational Linguistic to provide affordable and accurate semantic creativity assessment to all.
San Francisco, CA - SparcIt, a pioneer in automated psychometric assessment announced the launch of IgniteIt: its new semantic-based engine for measuring creativity in people.
Today, such semantic-based creativity assessment is a manual and expensive process administered only by experts. IgniteIt and its patent-pending methodology, automates such testing by combining: 1. Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) 2. Semantic networks from Computational Linguistics 3. Computational power for statistical mining of large data-sets and corpuses
"We are very glad to announce the launch of our engine." Said Farzad Eskafi, co-founder and CEO of SparcIt. "This is the first step towards a scalable creativity assessment and enhancement for all."
Along with nine creative thinking exercises, IgniteIt uses the well-known psychometric approach in measuring creativity using indices such as fluency, flexibility and originality. Users receive detailed graphs and analysis of their scores and how they've performed. The resulting increase in speed, affordability, and accuracy makes the assessment of semantic creativity of individuals, students, or employees available to masses. In a nutshell, we assist employers and educators in finding and training employees with the right level of creativity for any given position.
Rate this! 1-5 starsToday, such semantic-based creativity assessment is a manual and expensive process administered only by experts. IgniteIt and its patent-pending methodology, automates such testing by combining: 1. Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) 2. Semantic networks from Computational Linguistics 3. Computational power for statistical mining of large data-sets and corpuses
"We are very glad to announce the launch of our engine." Said Farzad Eskafi, co-founder and CEO of SparcIt. "This is the first step towards a scalable creativity assessment and enhancement for all."
Along with nine creative thinking exercises, IgniteIt uses the well-known psychometric approach in measuring creativity using indices such as fluency, flexibility and originality. Users receive detailed graphs and analysis of their scores and how they've performed. The resulting increase in speed, affordability, and accuracy makes the assessment of semantic creativity of individuals, students, or employees available to masses. In a nutshell, we assist employers and educators in finding and training employees with the right level of creativity for any given position.
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