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Classroom Furniture Storage & Stress Reduction


Classroom Furniture Storage & Stress Reduction

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Classroom Furniture, Hospital Furniture

Stress is a major factor for most workers, but for teachers it seems to be at all time highs. In one 2000 study, over 40% of teachers reported being "Highly Stressed" because of their jobs and physicians know that stress doesn't just affect us psychologically. Feelings of stress have been linked to more than 50 different physician symptoms, including headaches, back pain, high blood pressure, and more. The good news is that getting organized with classroom furniture storage can make a surprisingly big difference in your stress levels.

Generally, humans experience stress as a reaction to events beyond their control. However, we often perceive things as out of our control when that's not really the truth. That's often the case with some aspects of teaching. For example, if you feel overwhelmed by art supplies being strewn all over your room, that's not really out of your control. Instead, you just need a better method of organizing those art supplies. That's one place where classroom furniture storage can make a difference.

By having well-defined areas for these supplies in convenient locations, such as in drawers or shelves under an easel, you're going to make it easier for those scissors and markers to end up back where they belong. Plus, you'll be better able to require the students to get in the habit of getting their play areas organized which means less clean up for you at the end of the day. Instead of running around to put away paint brushes, you'll be able to sit down at your desk, look around your organized classroom, and take five minutes for yourself to unwind from the day - a very important part of reducing your stress.

Using classroom furniture storage can also make it easier for you to arrange your room in an organized way, too. A classroom in disarray is not good for the children or for you. You can book display stands, for example, to section off the part of your room where you have reading time or where students can go to relax with a book. You might want to have a few pillows on the floor or a bean bag chair or two so kids can relax while they're reading.

Classroom furniture storage can also be used to set aside certain areas for art. You can use easels or tables which have built in shelves or drawers so your students can reach everything they need. That also means you'll be spending less time running around to gather the water colors, crayons, and other supplies. Surely, cutting a little bit of that running here and there out of your day will help you reduce your stress greatly.

Another reason classroom furniture storage can help you reduce stress is also by making it easier for you to see at a glance what you need. For example, if you store away the art paper in a closet or some other location where it's not easy to see, you could run out without even realizing it. The same is true for most of the supplies your students are using everyday.

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Classroom Furniture Storage & Stress Reduction
 Classroom Furniture, Hospital Furniture
