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How Magnesium Treats Migraine


How Magnesium Treats Migraine

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Migraine and headache, these health problems look so similar. It can be experienced by anyone and attacks the head.

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Migraine and headache, these health problems look so similar. It can be experienced by anyone and attacks the head. But unlike headache, migraine only experienced on the specific parts. It just attacks one side of the head. The pain can be so great. Even it may damage the balance for a few times. When people experience it, many of them take magnesium for medication. This is why magnesium becomes one of the most popular migraine medicines.

Why you need to consume magnesium? What is the role of magnesium? Based on the study, magnesium can reduce migraine frequency. The specific level of magnesium can affect serotonin receptor. It is also effect the nitric oxide synthesis and release it as on the NMDA receptors. Magnesium also responsible to more than three hundred essential metabolic reactions. It is also useful to synthesize protein in the mitochondria. More than it, it also synthesize the proteins to the cells, generating energy. The other important enzyme also presented magnesium. If you are using magnesium for migraines, you can use it as medication or prevention. For prevention, you can consume magnesium supplement. In a day, you need 400 up to 500 mg of magnesium. But this is recommended to consult it to the doctor before consuming it. To work effectively, magnesium needs calcium. Calcium allows the body to metabolize it effectively. But the amount of the calcium is not more than double amount of the magnesium.

Based on the research, migraine sufferers have magnesium deficiency. Even it drops further during the attack. But consuming magnesium must be made in the right dosage. For some people, it may develop diarrhea. If you have this problem, you can look for the chelated magnesium. To prevent migraine, you can get magnesium from the real food. Peanuts, bananas, beans and avocado are the good source for magnesium. These foods are rich in magnesium.

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How Magnesium Treats Migraine Migraine and headache, these health problems look so similar. It can be experienced by anyone and attacks the head.
