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Microsoft Azure ML Key to Proskriptive's Success


Microsoft Azure ML Key to Proskriptive's Success

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Proskriptive built its technology on the Microsoft Azure ML specifically to ensure user benefits including cost savings, remote access and support. We believe that reliable access, powerful analytics, and expert support combine to provide healthcare organizations with new and more effective wellness solutions for the changing road ahead, and the "Road to the Cloud" reinforced this belief.

Boise, ID, December 16, 2014 - Proskriptive & Microsoft BizSpark: A Partnership for Success

As a new member of the Microsoft BizSpark Plus program, Proskriptive was invited to join other independent software vendor organizations at Microsoft’s "Road to the Cloud" business strategy meeting in Washington D.C. on December 11th. Michael Hollenbeck, Managing Director of Proskriptive, had the opportunity to attend this important event in light of the importance of Microsoft’s Azure platform as part of our technical framework.

During the meeting, Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, indicated that the focus on providing technology to enable startups – like Proskriptive – to deliver innovative solutions to government agencies and private enterprises alike is a critical component of Microsoft’s cloud strategy.

We believe he is right. Startups can respond quickly, make changes, and use new technologies to take advantage of the shifting industry as businesses move away from legacy software that requires an organization to hire additional resources to install and manage these applications. Microsoft executives speaking at the event noted that software as a service (SaaS) presents tremendous opportunity for Microsoft’s customers and partners alike.As healthcare organizations are asked to deliver more value to their patients for less money SaaS plays a key role in their ability to contain costs and provide cutting edge technical infrastructure that will help hospitals operate more safely and efficiently.

The truth is business leaders, especially those in the healthcare industry, are facing increased challenges in today’s software market. Companies that utilize software solutions that are administered within their organizations are evaluating SaaS and cloud-based software solutions to replace their legacy software. Proskriptive built its technology on the Microsoft Azure ML specifically to ensure user benefits including cost savings, remote access and support. We believe that reliable access, powerful analytics, and expert support combine to provide healthcare organizations with new and more effective wellness solutions for the changing road ahead, and the "Road to the Cloud" reinforced this belief. Proskriptive can help your business utilize the cloud to help maximize the value returned from your technology investments.

Press Contact: Elsa MacDonald Proskriptive 5321 W. Emerald Boise, Idaho 83706 (208) 629-7992
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Microsoft Azure ML Key to Proskriptive's Success Proskriptive built its technology on the Microsoft Azure ML specifically to ensure user benefits including cost savings, remote access and support. We believe that reliable access, powerful analytics, and expert support combine to provide healthcare organizations with new and more effective wellness solutions for the changing road ahead, and the
