App Foresight: With 140% Growth in Takeaway Apps and 40% in Fashion Apps it's Time to Optimize for Consumer Demand
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Much has been written about how saturated App Stores are, and with over 2.5 million apps in both Google and Apple's App stores who can argue? Research shows us that the majority of apps are downloaded as a result of organic search and that a further 80% of these downloads are from customers who didn't previously know the brand.So does this mean that people don't search for brands anymore?
LONDON, UK, June 12, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - App Store Optimisation is more important than ever but what should you be optimising for? The great news is that you can now measure the success of your Apple app's storefront with views and conversion reporting now available.
Which sectors have seen the strongest app growth in the last 9 months?
Back in August 2014 we took a snapshot of how many iPhone apps there were ranking for specific search terms, Clothes, Voucher, Train, Bank, Card you name it we checked it out using popular keywords from all sectors and verticals. Using this data we wanted to show which types of apps were growing the fastest, what was trending and where the toughest competition was to be found. It's a little harder to suck this type of information out of the Android store so we're going to pretend just for a minute that iPhone apps are representative of all store growth (I'm sure wars have been started over less).
Here's what we discovered:
There has been significant growth in apps ranking for Bet, Takeaway, Store, Picture and Technology.
Betting apps have rocketed from sub 600 to over 4,500 in the last 9 months
As with many of the stats emanating from app store ranking searches not all are down to the growth in actual apps in the stores, some as we will discover further on with "Games" are as a result of changes to the way apple reports such things. Betting, we feel, has a strong sense of real growth to it although a sudden jump from 590 in August to 3,800 in January 545% does seem a lot. What we saw however by comparing January to May is that apps ranking for Bet still grew by over 23% and that's without any obvious changes to Apple's ranking algorithm. It's safe to say that there is still a lot of growth in the Bet market.
The volume of apps ranking for the term "Game" has gone from less than 30,000 to nearly 340,000 but genuine games growth is closer to 10%.
A fairly sensationalist headline, yes it's true that in just a few months there has been a gigantic increase in both the volume and percentage of apps ranking for the app store search term Game, but we don't expect for a second that this is representative of the growth in game apps. Since Apple released iOS 8 apps have started to rank for some pretty strange things, this was largely thanks to Apple's new predictive search and its impact on how apps ranked in stores. An app optimised to rank for Decisions, will also rank for Deciduous, apps ranking for Decoration will rank for Dehydration. As long as there is a corresponding word that starts and ends in the same letter, and is of similar length, there's every chance your app will rank for it. We saw almost immediately after iOS 8 that there were more apps ranking for game and we believe this is down to an "assumed" ranking, in the same way that an app can rank for "app" without having the word in the keyword string, apps now published under the games category will automatically rank for "Games". In order to see the real growth in Games we looked at specific types of game i.e. Strategy Game, Action Game & Racing game, apps ranking for these terms have increased by 8-10% on average with we feel is more representative of growth in games. This 10% growth figure is further ratified by comparing the difference in apps ranking between January and May. This doesn't make it any easier for a good game to get seen in the app stores however, with 340,000 apps purporting to be games, that's still a significant amount of competition.
Fashion apps are booming
With 40% growth in apps ranking for Clothing, nearly 30% growth in apps ranking for Menswear and 26% for retail it's fair to say that the fashion vertical is very much in the ascendancy as far as apps are concerned. Fashion apps are now moving away from single solution services that remove any differentiation from apps to more bespoke solutions. You only have to look at Grabble, the Tinder of Fashion to see that innovative young entrepreneurs are hot on the heels of the giants from ASOS and Arcadia Group.
Is the UK becoming more American as we become more digital?
There has been a massive increase in the amount of apps ranking for Soccer. These stats are based on a number less than 600 in August versus just under 8,000 different apps ranking for the term Soccer in May 2015. Indications from the likes of Google's adword tool that are that there is less traffic and demand in the UK for Soccer than there is for Football and any native will tell you which is correct, yet we saw from the biggest losers research that Football results have only grown by 10.5% since August. So what are we seeing here? Well, there are nearly 12,000 apps ranking for Football in the UK and that in its own right may point to the answer, it's likely that we're seeing app marketeers becoming more savvy about optimising and they are changing tact by targeting customers searching the stores for "Soccer". It's also unlikely that there has been such a monumental increase in actual "Soccer" apps but post World Cup 2104 there will definitely have been an increase in demand.
Whilst it's unquestionable that app stores are saturated, there is no stoppage in demand for apps and new ways for us to enjoy apps, be it as consumers or business customers. Mobile Web always used to be the traditional home of mobile retail but as we can see from the growth figures, apps are now very much the home of retail on mobile. Big brands need to take note of this, they can no longer depend on their names to attract customers because customers in app stores search for what they want ... not who can supply them with it. For more on App Store Optimisation insights and app analytics visit
Press Contact: App Foresight LONDON, UK 07901800900
Rate this! 1-5 starsWhich sectors have seen the strongest app growth in the last 9 months?
Back in August 2014 we took a snapshot of how many iPhone apps there were ranking for specific search terms, Clothes, Voucher, Train, Bank, Card you name it we checked it out using popular keywords from all sectors and verticals. Using this data we wanted to show which types of apps were growing the fastest, what was trending and where the toughest competition was to be found. It's a little harder to suck this type of information out of the Android store so we're going to pretend just for a minute that iPhone apps are representative of all store growth (I'm sure wars have been started over less).
Here's what we discovered:
There has been significant growth in apps ranking for Bet, Takeaway, Store, Picture and Technology.
Betting apps have rocketed from sub 600 to over 4,500 in the last 9 months
As with many of the stats emanating from app store ranking searches not all are down to the growth in actual apps in the stores, some as we will discover further on with "Games" are as a result of changes to the way apple reports such things. Betting, we feel, has a strong sense of real growth to it although a sudden jump from 590 in August to 3,800 in January 545% does seem a lot. What we saw however by comparing January to May is that apps ranking for Bet still grew by over 23% and that's without any obvious changes to Apple's ranking algorithm. It's safe to say that there is still a lot of growth in the Bet market.
The volume of apps ranking for the term "Game" has gone from less than 30,000 to nearly 340,000 but genuine games growth is closer to 10%.
A fairly sensationalist headline, yes it's true that in just a few months there has been a gigantic increase in both the volume and percentage of apps ranking for the app store search term Game, but we don't expect for a second that this is representative of the growth in game apps. Since Apple released iOS 8 apps have started to rank for some pretty strange things, this was largely thanks to Apple's new predictive search and its impact on how apps ranked in stores. An app optimised to rank for Decisions, will also rank for Deciduous, apps ranking for Decoration will rank for Dehydration. As long as there is a corresponding word that starts and ends in the same letter, and is of similar length, there's every chance your app will rank for it. We saw almost immediately after iOS 8 that there were more apps ranking for game and we believe this is down to an "assumed" ranking, in the same way that an app can rank for "app" without having the word in the keyword string, apps now published under the games category will automatically rank for "Games". In order to see the real growth in Games we looked at specific types of game i.e. Strategy Game, Action Game & Racing game, apps ranking for these terms have increased by 8-10% on average with we feel is more representative of growth in games. This 10% growth figure is further ratified by comparing the difference in apps ranking between January and May. This doesn't make it any easier for a good game to get seen in the app stores however, with 340,000 apps purporting to be games, that's still a significant amount of competition.
Fashion apps are booming
With 40% growth in apps ranking for Clothing, nearly 30% growth in apps ranking for Menswear and 26% for retail it's fair to say that the fashion vertical is very much in the ascendancy as far as apps are concerned. Fashion apps are now moving away from single solution services that remove any differentiation from apps to more bespoke solutions. You only have to look at Grabble, the Tinder of Fashion to see that innovative young entrepreneurs are hot on the heels of the giants from ASOS and Arcadia Group.
Is the UK becoming more American as we become more digital?
There has been a massive increase in the amount of apps ranking for Soccer. These stats are based on a number less than 600 in August versus just under 8,000 different apps ranking for the term Soccer in May 2015. Indications from the likes of Google's adword tool that are that there is less traffic and demand in the UK for Soccer than there is for Football and any native will tell you which is correct, yet we saw from the biggest losers research that Football results have only grown by 10.5% since August. So what are we seeing here? Well, there are nearly 12,000 apps ranking for Football in the UK and that in its own right may point to the answer, it's likely that we're seeing app marketeers becoming more savvy about optimising and they are changing tact by targeting customers searching the stores for "Soccer". It's also unlikely that there has been such a monumental increase in actual "Soccer" apps but post World Cup 2104 there will definitely have been an increase in demand.
Whilst it's unquestionable that app stores are saturated, there is no stoppage in demand for apps and new ways for us to enjoy apps, be it as consumers or business customers. Mobile Web always used to be the traditional home of mobile retail but as we can see from the growth figures, apps are now very much the home of retail on mobile. Big brands need to take note of this, they can no longer depend on their names to attract customers because customers in app stores search for what they want ... not who can supply them with it. For more on App Store Optimisation insights and app analytics visit
Press Contact: App Foresight LONDON, UK 07901800900
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