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The Adaptive Warrior Fight Club


The Adaptive Warrior Fight Club

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Deus Fight Supports amazing people with disabilities. In celebration, they've created the first ever Adaptive Warrior Fight Club.

Costa Mesa, CA, July 02, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - Deus Fight Supports amazing people with disabilities. In celebration, they've created the first ever Adaptive Warrior Fight Club.

Deus Fight supports a group of amazing people with varying disabilities.They created the first ever Adaptive Warrior Fight Club. There are so many obstacles in life, but these warriors have gone through what many others can only imagine. Loss of limb, leg, eyesight, you name it, they have been through it. Yet, despite these challenges they prevail and embody the human spirit. In celebration of their positive attitude and in support of them, Deus Fight is now offering the Adaptive Warrior Fight Club Shirt. The proceeds from the shirt will go towards helping these warriors train and compete, as well as, travel to speak and inspire others. Their message needs to be heard. This shirt celebrates the amazing stories they all have and what they have done to overcome the obstacles they've had to deal with. These warriors live incredible lives and do the sport that they love despite what they have been through and the rough road that's ahead of them. Adaptive warriors are inspirational to all of us.

Support Amazing People With Disabilities

Help support a group of amazing people with varying disabilities by purchasing the Official Adaptive Warrior Fight Club Shirt. The proceeds from the shirt go towards helping these warriors train and compete, as well as, travel to speak and inspire others. This shirt celebrates the amazing stories they all have and what they have done to overcome the obstacles they've had to deal with. These people live incredible lives and do the sport that they love despite what they have been through and the rough road that's ahead of them. Adaptive warriors are inspirational to all of us and could use your help!

Brian is a disabled vet with a T4 spinal cord injury with Brown-Sequard syndrome. He is from Rockingham, North Carolina. Brian enjoys training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, his 8 year old daughter convinced him to get on the mat.

Press Contact: press Deus Fight Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-554-3430
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The Adaptive Warrior Fight Club Deus Fight Supports amazing people with disabilities. In celebration, they've created the first ever Adaptive Warrior Fight Club.
