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Brian D. Lerner Speaks About How A Living Trust Attorney Helps You In Protecting Your Family


Brian D. Lerner Speaks About How A Living Trust Attorney Helps You In Protecting Your Family

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"Brian D. Lerner, estate planning attorney, shares that you must understand that getting a living trust from the computer or internet that is preplanned and basically just allows you to put in your name and birthday is not in your best interest."

31st Oct 2015 – A Living Trust Attorney is critical for you in order to get a proper and well planned living trust. Brian D. Lerner, estate planning attorney, shares that you must understand that getting a living trust from the computer or internet that is preplanned and basically just allows you to put in your name and birthday is not in your best interest. A Living Trust Attorney will be able to see a wide variety of items that make each living trust individual. Questions normally come up such as what if the Trustee dies or is incapacitated? Who will administer the Trust? What if you want real property to goto your children and you want your spouse to live in the house until he or she dies? How do you make it so your spouse does not bequeath the property to a new ‘honey’ or after acquired spouse? How do you best protect your children to get what you want to give them? How do you fund the Living Trust?

Brian Lerner states that the questions go on and on. The Living Trust Attorney will be able to have you answer a proper questionnaire and interview in order to determine the best way to protect you, your spouse and your children. One of the biggest reasons to do a living trust is to keep the matter out of Probate. Brian D. Lerner states that reason by itself should give you incentive to do the Living Trust. The Living Trust Attorney will make it clear that having a properly prepared living trust can be distributed in accordance with your wishes when you die through what is known as trust administration. It does not have to be put in front of a Judge in Probate Court. It does not need years of litigation because the families are fighting among themselves who gets what. In fact, the Living Trust Attorney can suggest better ways to proceed forward. For example, you might want to bequeath equally two house to your two children on a 50%/50% basis. However, a Living Trust Attorney might tell you that this will just cause the two children to fight against each other and ultimately cause dissension and the children to be alienated from each other. Rather, it would be better as the Living Trust Attorney might discuss for you to bequeath one property to one child and the other property to the other child.

The Living Trust Attorney can advise and prepare Bypass Trusts to ensure your children get the real property and that after you die that your spouse will not bequeath the property to somebody else - to a stranger you don’t know. Your kids will be protected. Your spouse will be able to use the property for the rest of your spouse’s life. What about taxes asks Brian D. Lerner, Estate Planning Attorney? You don’t want your spouse and family to have tons of taxes to pay. The Living Trust Attorney can advise and prepare the procedures on legally minimizing taxes through the Marital Deduction Trust. Watch Brian D. Lerner, Living Trust Attorney explain about the Living Trust

Brian D. Lerner asks about funding the Living Trust. He explains that the Living Trust Attorney will be able to prepare the Deed of Trust for Real Property as well as other documents in order to properly ‘fund’ the Living Trust and protect the property and do what you want done under the Living Trust. Unfortunately, people who try to do the Living Trust themselves, usually have no idea about the ‘funding the living trust issue’. In fact, if you create a Living Trust, explains Brian Lerner and do not fund the Living Trust, it is like saving for years in a bank account, but putting the money in the wrong place. You might have saved the money, but unfortunately, once you have died, there is no way to access it. Thus, the Living Trust Attorney not only prepares the Living Trust, but executes what must be done to properly and correctly make sure that the intentions, desires and wishes of the person making the Living Trust are followed.

Brian D. Lerner, Living Trust Attorney makes it clear that these are only a few of the issues that come up with Living Trusts. There are many others. A Living Trust Attorney that is experienced can protect you and your family and your children and get your intentions and wishes to be legally followed. Thus, make sure when you do your Living Trust that you get a Living Trust Attorney to prepare it and to file what is necessary under the Living Trust.

About the Company:

Law Offices of Brian D. Lerner, APC have years of experience in protecting the families by helping them to prepare living trusts, last will and testaments, durable power of attorney, health care directives & other matters related to estate planning in California. Located in Long Beach, their firm can prepare complete estate planning package for married couples, single people and divorced spouses.

Contact Information:

Law Offices of Brian D. Lerner, APC

3233 E. Broadway

Long Beach,California

USA , 90803


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Brian D. Lerner Speaks About How A Living Trust Attorney Helps You In Protecting Your Family
