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The Beauty and Durability of Laminate Wood Flooring


The Beauty and Durability of Laminate Wood Flooring

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Being the owner and editor of two home decorating websites, I was recently asked my opinion of laminate wood flooring. In my opinion, laminate flooring is becoming one of the fastest-growing products in the flooring industry.

Today's laminate floors are created using a photographic image of wood, marble, or tile that is bonded to fiberboard, backed with melamine plastic and coated with aluminum oxide. Aluminum oxide is considered the second hardest mineral after diamonds. This process allows the laminate surface to be almost indestructible, stain-resistant and fade-resistant.

Laminate flooring is easy to care for. Simply dust with a dry mop, wipe with a damp cloth or mop, and/or vacuum with a soft brush attachment. Be careful not to damage your laminate floor by using wax and polish, steel wool, or harsh abrasive cleaners. It is also suggested by manufacturers to place felt pads or casters beneath furniture legs to help protect the laminate flooring.

Laminated wood floors are the dream of many people. The reason is laminated floors look amazing and are priced very well. Moreover, they are known for their durability, range of colours and price. Their maintenance is very low compared to other kinds of flooring. Despite of its features and advantages, the thing that concerns people the most is the shine of laminate that will lose with time, as dirt and grime accumulates. You can neither wax the laminate nor use any detergent to restore the shine, unlike wooden floors. Below are some tips and techniques that help you to restore shine to the laminated wood floors.

If you want to restore the shine to laminated wood floors, you should rub the floor with a rag dipped in white vinegar till the shine is restored. If this method work and restores the shine effectively, then you should take proper care in cleaning the floor. This method won't work, if the shine disappeared due to wear. In such cases, you need to make use of a reputed shine restoration product. Remember not to use vinegar in abundance, as it may damage the laminate.

But lets be honest, there are some areas where any kind of wood flooring products is not the best choice. There are risk involved if you use wood in a kitchen or bathroom. If the flooring is porous, like hardwoods, it is a fort for harboring bacteria and germs.

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The Beauty and Durability of Laminate Wood Flooring
