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Supplies For Getting Started in Stained Glass


Supplies For Getting Started in Stained Glass

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This list is meant to aid create a shopping list for the beginning stained glass art student. Not all of the items will be essential for every project, for instance you will employ either lead cames OR copper foil and their corresponding accessories dependent on the stained glass style you will be using. Other tools listed may well be very helpful, but not entirely necessary, one pair of pliers may be adequate to do several jobs for example.

Glass Cutters One of the most significant tools you will employ in stained glass making, good glass cuts will make or break your job. These range from very inexpensive carbide steel wheel cutters (you will require to include cutting oil as you go along) to slightly more expensive self-oiling tungsten carbide or pistol grip wheel cutters.

Stained glass mirrors may provide the answer for a truly unique gift idea. Combining a normal piece of mirror with the addition of colorful stained glass as an accent provides for a special piece of artwork. I have built mirrored pieces by using strips of stained glass as an access. Creating different shapes and sizes of stained glass along with varied sizes of mirror also works well. Some of my creations have included pieces that I have hung centered over the sofa which reflects the light already coming into the room. Smaller pieces of combined mirror and stained glass may be more desirable for the bedroom or bath.

It has been my experience that suggests a stained glass creation may be better displayed if it is custom designed to fit into an existing opening. When properly built according to that spec, the end result will appear better with little or no light coming from around the outer frame of the glass. A custom feel is quite desirable and will be worth the extra effort involved.

One common place that will surely create interest is the addition of a unique piece of stained glass anchored in a highly visible cabinet door. This can be a little tricky when sizing it to the door based on how you might have to attach it, however, with the addition of glass shelves and an electrical light in the top of the cabinet, the outcome will be something you will cherish every time you look at it in the future. Be prepared that if you don't have a light inside the cabinet, it may not come off as you expected.

Many homes these days have an abundance of wood trim and this usually includes a pass through a wall into another room which may not include any doors, but most likely includes the jamb and casing. Designs can be incorporated into these openings near the intersection of the top horizontal jamb and each side jamb. It's almost like envisioning an upside down bookend type of accent. There are many products that feature stained glass. However it is fun to create your own objects with stained glass. They will be unique and you will spend some time having fun and expressing your personality.

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Supplies For Getting Started in Stained Glass
