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Five Key Elements for a Quality Asphalt Driveway


Five Key Elements for a Quality Asphalt Driveway

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When it comes to asphalt driveways, whether for commercial or residential properties

When it comes to asphalt driveways, whether for commercial or residential properties, there are five key elements that make or break their dependability and longevity. Specifically for commercial properties, a good asphalt installation job is vital for several reasons. Not only does it make the investment worthwhile, it safeguards drivers and pedestrians that enter commercial premises because potholes and other road hazards are not present. And aesthetically speaking, good asphalt driveway installation is important so that a commercial business looks professional and prioritized. Continue reading to learn what these five key elements are, and who to trust for quality asphalt concrete paving and installation services.

The first aspect to consider is the ground foundation. For proper driveway paving, there must be a solid subgrade and a strong aggregate base. Often times, problems occur during paving projects like these because the subgrade is not stabilized correctly. For example, if the ground is full of soft wet clay, a contractor must remove this clay or cover it with a durable stone base that will reinforce the ground surface. Failure to do any of the above methods can result in driveway buckling, cracking, crumbling, and ever-increasing deterioration.

Water is the number one threat to asphalt and concrete pavement. So when it comes to asphalt driveways, proper drainage is absolutely crucial. Water must drain away from the edges of pavement, rather than collect or amass on top of it. If there is no slope to the pavement, water will not properly runoff the sides and away from the driveway. Water will seep into the pores or open crevices of asphalt and freeze, thaw, and expand the pavement overtime. This is what causes potholes, crumbling, and cracks.

If the wrong pavement mix is used to pave an asphalt driveway, problems are bound to ensure. Asphalt driveways are vulnerable to weathering and oxidation, so the right type of hot asphalt mix is vital. Although opinions differ among pavement companies and contractors as to which type of mix is best for such projects, driveway mixes should contain less air voids than highway mixes, but more binder. It should result in a finer aggregate finish to look smoother and darker.

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Five Key Elements for a Quality Asphalt Driveway

 When it comes to asphalt driveways, whether for commercial or residential properties
