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D. K. Christi signing Ghost Orchid at Pat's Cards and Gifts 12 February for Valentine's Day -  Just in time for Valentine Day gifts, Pat's Cards & Gifts of Bonita Springs featuring Hallmark cards announces local author and Spotlight journalist D. K. Christi signing her popular novel set in Corkscrew Swamp, Ghost Orchid. Their boutique store is located in Ace Sunshine Plaza and the signing is Friday, February 12, from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m.  »
By D. K.Christi, edited on Feb. 1
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Brylcream in Concert at Unity presents a little Dab of Do Wop, Acapella, Classic Rock, Disco, Motown and more March 28 -  "We are one of the few truly acapella groups remaining today," said Billy D, second tenor and lead for many Brylcream songs in concert March 28 at Unity of Bonita Springs."We can rock the house without accompaniment, but we do bring all the favorites, past to present.  »
By D. K.Christi, image uploaded on Mar. 11 2015
In Collier County Calendar
Sex, Myth & Magic - The Ghost Orchid by D. K. Christi at Happehatchee Center, Estero 8-17 -  D. K. Christi shares her obsession with the “Super Ghost” of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary and why it’s a “matter of consequence.” Her talk is entitled, "Sex, Myth & Magic, The Ghost Orchid" Saturday August 17th 1:00PM Lunch at Happehatchee Center, Estero, FL.  »
By D. K.Christi, image uploaded on Aug. 3 2013
In Collier County Calendar
Jerry Stawski & the Magnificent Seven Jazz Concert at Unity -  The Magnificent 7 Benefit Jazz Concert will be on March 3rd, at Unity of Bonita Springs, 28285 Imperial Parkway, Bonita Springs, FL 34135, 239-947-3100, at 2:00 PM.  »
By D. K.Christi, Udut, Kenneth, edited on Mar. 10 2013
In Furniture store
Sex, Myths and Magic presented by D. K. Christi -  The rare and endangered ghost orchid reveals its secrets and why they are "matters of consequence."  »
By D. K.Christi, created on Jan. 25 2013, 555
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Father's Day Gift of Love & Mystery -  Don't let Father's Day pass without sharing a copy of Ghost Orchid by D. K. Christi with the fathers in your life.  »
By D. K.Christi, edited on May 28 2012
In Ads
Collier County Public Schools New Beginnings Celebrates Memorial Day -  Strong, young voices rang out in song and poetry, honoring veterans during a pre-Memorial Day Celebration Friday.  »
By D. K.Christi, image uploaded on May 26 2012, 555
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Ghost Orchid - Mother's Day Gift of Love -  Ghost Orchid, the novel, a perfect gift of love for Mother's Day tucked in a live orchid plant.  »
By D. K.Christi, edited on Apr. 29 2012
In Ads
Valentine's Day deserves a Ghost Orchid -  Orchids, especially white orchids, are the purist expression of the deepest love.  »
By D. K.Christi, created on Feb. 6 2012
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
D. K. Christi and Ghost Orchid at NPC Authors & Books Festival Saturday, April 9, Royalty & Hollywood Jewelry 663 5th Ave., South -  Naples Press Club presents D. K. Christi signing Ghost Orchid , the recently released Romance of My Dreams and other books at Royalty and Hollywood Jewelry at 663 5th Avenue South, Naples,Florida from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, April 09.  »
By D. K.Christi, created on Mar. 27 2011
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Contact: D. K. Christi Email: P.O. box 367061, Bonita Springs, Fl 34136 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Naples, Florida Visitors Information Center Grand Opening December 8, 2010 Select local artists are a new addition to the Greater Nap -  Select local artists are a new addition to the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce and Naples Visitors Information Center, celebrating a joint move to a large, well-located facility in the heart of Naple’s Fifth Avenue shopping district, opening December 8, 2010, just in time for winter visitors and holiday gifts.  »
By D. K.Christi, edited on Dec. 5 2010, 555
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Ghost Orchid by D.K. Christi, a gift for all occasions -  Ghost Orchid by D. K. Christi's book trailer is found at, produced by award-winning Environmental filmmaker Darryl Saffer of local fame.  »
By D. K.Christi, created on Nov. 14 2010
In Ads
Mother's Day gift of love and adventure -  The ghost orchid at Corkscrew Swamp bloomed early this year - in time to take Mother and a copy of Ghost Orchid as a Mother's Day gift - a mystery wrapped in the ghost orchid that answers the question: Is love eternal? Especially, a mother's love?  »
By D. K.Christi, image uploaded on Apr. 18 2010
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Valentine's gift - D.K.Christi signs Ghost Orchid at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at noon, Saturday, Feb.6 -  Special Event on Saturday, February 13: D.K. Christi returns at noon to sign her book Ghost Orchid, inspired by Corkscrew's Ghost Orchid. After the book signing, visitors can take their signed books for a walk on the boardwalk to see the locations shared by the characters in the novel. Learn more... Panther Island in Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary is one of three areas in the United States selected for the 2009-2010 Pennies for the Planet campaign. Made possible by funding from TogetherGreen, Pennies for the Planet is a children's fundraising and education campaign that will directly benefit Corkscrew and Panther Island wildlife. Learn how you can participate. Ghost Orchid book signing: Saturday, February 6 Noon D. K. Christi signs the book, Ghost Orchid, inspired by D. K. Christi's fascination with the ghost orchid of Corkscrew Swamp that was first seen on her birthday in 2007 and was chronicled by the Naples Daily News in 2008, the second year of her visits to the ghost orchid and the year the novel, Ghost Orchid, was submitted to her publisher. The signing at B&N is just one stop on the book launch tour. Ghost Orchid is found at local Barnes & Noble stores,, and all online book stores and e-book sites. Valentine's Day catching up with you? Take the Ghost Orchid walk with your signed book by D.K. Christi and experience the locations shared by the characters in a mystery unfolding, one coincidence at a time. One flower; four destinies wrapped around the ghost orchid. The fascinating boardwalk won't reveal the real ghost orchid until late June or early July, but you may enjoy the walk itself and experience the serenity and peace shared by the characters whose lives in Ghost Orchid find redemption and the answer to their question, "Is love eternal?" What a book to commemorate Valentine's Day! Love, lies and redemption surround the ghost orchid, the "heart and soul" of the novel according to NPR's audio review at its Florida Book Page web site. It's a "must read" for those who love the Everglades and wonders of nature.  »
By D. K.Christi, image uploaded on Feb. 6 2010
In Collier County Calendar
