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Immune system

Immune system

Combine Breastfeeding with solids- an effective strategy to protect your newborn from allergies! -  Researchers said that introducing solids before 17 weeks of age should be avoided as it may increase your child’s risk of increasing allergy.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Dec. 14 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Numerous benefits gained from soursop fruit - Realpharmacyrx -  The fibrous flesh of soursop helps improve digestive health. Cancer patients suffer from numerous digestive system problems like indigestion, constipation, because of strong chemotherapy drugs, medicines, etc. Such problems can be relieved naturally by intake of fibrous fruits.  »
By Balfour Morris, created on Sep. 11 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Children born by caesarean section are more often influenced by allergies - -  Children who came into the world by Caesarean section are more frequently influenced by allergies than those born in the natural way.  »
By Balfour Morris, created on Aug. 17 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Immune system affected by sleep - -  According to a new study, Sleep deprivation jolts the immune system into action in the same type of immediate response shown during exposure to physical stress.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 25 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Colostrum supplement provides immune factors and growth factors -  Our Immune system guards our body from bacterias and viruses which causes various diseases.  »
By Andy Decosta, created on Jul. 24 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Lambrolizumab used to treat patients with advanced melanoma - -  According to preliminary results of a new study a new drug being tested in patients with advanced melanoma, the extremely dangerous form of skin cancer has shown significant antitumor activity.  »
By Alli Mack, created on Jul. 16 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
