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Noah Michael - Logbooklxy

Noah Michael


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Noah Michael - Logbooklxy

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I hate payday. Call me cynical but to me it’s the worst day of the month. I can see your confused face right now, dear reader but I assure you that I am speaking the honest truth. Payday is nothing but a sham, a false means for celebrations and it doesn’t matter to me when my month’s wages are transferred – why, you ask? I’m the majority. I’m on the long list of people in this country who are paid just enough to get by each month. So when it comes to payday, I’m never truly excited because three quarters of my pay packet is instantly taken away from me, leaving just enough to cover budget food and a few drops of petrol until the last working day of the month comes back around. When payday comes, I’m not thinking ‘fantastic, I’ve been paid’, I think ‘great, another month until payday’ which is a vicious circle of epic proportions. It means I’m never truly happy because I can’t go out and have drinks with my friends at the weekend and I can’t treat myself to a takeaway on a Saturday night – I can buy my budget chicken and tins of baked beans and that’s about it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still better off than those poor folk who spend every night on the streets trying to keep warm, but it would be great to go a year without worrying how I’ll get by when the energy prices keep rising and expensive foods like tins of tuna are now out of reach. All I can say is thank god for Logbook loans companies because my credit history is…well…you get the idea. Maybe one of these days I’ll enjoy a holiday and eat my own body weight in buffet food.
