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Michael Lissack

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Michael Lissack is the director of the Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence (ISCE) as well as the editor-in-chief of ISCE's journal, Emergence. Dr. Lissack is also the founder and chairman of Knowledge Ventures Inc.


Michael Lissack
2338 Immokalee Rd #292
Naples FL 34110-1445

phone 239-254-9648
fax 254-9649
cell 239-404-5079


Simplify3 on Aug. 31 2007 edit · delete
Tag! Michael Lissack - I found you when somebody from MIT.EDU found and I wanted to see who it was.

I don't know if it was you, but your book draft on emergence (which was findable through MIT's Google search for "naples") - was quite interesting, although I admit I skimmed it. My only experience with emergence is through reading things on chaos and complexity and the emergence of ideas, or natural evolution, of the birth of universes, and I've thought of it in terms of what makes 'buzz' or make the stock market work -- in short, what happens when massive amount of information (whether that be particles or ideas or energy or something entirely different) self-organize.

I'll have to study your paper further but looks interesting.

I look forward to google indexing this page and you coming across it in one of your searches for "Michael Lissack" I hope this helps promote your business ventures as well, for I am all for business. [I'd be one of those venture angels if I had the money, but since I don't, I can at least put a good word out for people I don't know out of a good basic impression]

Kenneth Udut webmaster Owner: NeighborHelp Referrals Online since 1988 (pre-www)
Michael Lissack Michael Lissack is the director of the Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence (ISCE) as well as the editor-in-chief of ISCE's journal, Emergence. Dr. Lissack is also the founder and chairman of Knowledge Ventures Inc.  

