Nudists and Naturists

Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.
Nudists and Naturists (149) in Naples or Collier County

As this page gets lots of hits, I figure I'd better fill it up with info for those interested parties.
From: Southern_Exposure_of_Naples.html
Southern Exposure of Naples
P.O. Box 990192
Naples, FL 34116
Contact: Jim Keiser
Fax: (239) 643-3022

Naples Fl any nudist beaches around the area. . ?
simplify3 did not write this - this is copied from the above mentioned Yahoo answer. Usually, the people who call nudists pervs are the real pervs. Anybody else notice that? Here in Florida, we had a congressman named Mark Foley make a big stink over children in nudist camps. He tried to get it outlawed. Said he was trying to protect children from pervs. A few years later, he had to resign in disgrace from congress after it was revealed that he had been soliciting sex from under aged male pages that worked for him.To answer the question, I think there are several beach front ones over in that direction, but I'm not sure what the names are. Here, I found this online:
Southern Exposure
On the Gulf side of Florida is a delightful club called Southern Exposure. Located just outside Naples, this seven-acre club is on the shore of a warm (68 degrees) lake, which is excellent for swimming and sailboarding. The lake is teeming with largemouth bass, bluegill, and oscars, many of which will swim up to the floating pier to be fed by the club¿s guests.
There is not much room to roam at Southern Exposure, but there is a large grassy sunning area alongside the shallow lake, and the members welcome visitors to join them in whatever is going on. When Kathy and I were there, one member brought his two surf-cycles, had everyone help him carry them to the water, and encouraged all to take turns paddling about the lake.
Given its small size, the grounds cannot accommodate more than a handful of guest RVs and trailers. Call ahead to be sure there is room and that electric and water hook-ups are available. RVs and trailers need to be self-contained, as there are no disposal facilities for these rigs. There is ample room for tenting, though, so campers should have no problem finding space.
Southern Exposure has a community kitchen, but no caf¿. Members and guests need to bring their own food. A tournament-size billiard table is in the clubhouse; two p¿tanque courts receive steady use outside; and there is, of course, the ubiquitous hot tub.
Ken Keiser has owned this property since the early 1970s, but after he hooked up with the Sanibel Naturists (a naturist club out of nearby Ft. Myers) he and some of the club members started using the site for nude camp-outs. In 1993 Ken and some others chartered their own club and have been using his property as a home base ever since.
When Ken bought the land, the site was bare except for a few pines. He planted shade and fruit trees, and now Southern Exposure visitors can munch on a variety of fresh bananas and oranges.
From the club grounds one can see traffic whisk by on I-75, and some apartment buildings at the far end of the lake reminded me of the hotels overlooking Haulover Beach. Local police, Ken said, initially thought the public views of naked people might cause a stir. The cops drove the highway and attempted to focus on the club¿s bare buns, but realized that motorists were not really able to see anything. As for the apartments, no one seems to care.
For its size, Southern Exposure packs in more fun per acre than just about any landed club I¿ve been to. Most people were just lying in the sun, but enough¿particularly an older but very athletic Canadian visitor¿were in and out of the water all day swimming, diving, and fooling around.
Directions: Near Naples on I-75, take the Pine Ridge Road exit (old Exit #16) and drive west 0.4 miles to Whippoorwill Lane (by the Chevron station). Turn south and in 0.4 miles turn left onto Nighthawk Drive. Drive 0.2 miles to the end of the road, and turn right onto Jaybird Way, with an immediate left into "Keiser Landing" and the club grounds. Contact Southern Exposure at 239-643-3022,, or 1311 Jaybird Way, Naples, FL 34105, or visit

REFERENCE to Collier County nudism found online... simplify3 did not write this either...
[...]But another Florida county attempts to zone out nudist resorts Unfortunately, not all areas in Florida are as relaxed about having a nudist resort in their back yard. Zoning, which is a vaild instrument of local government for separating different types of land usage, has also been frequently abused to simply suppress altogether whatever is unpopular in a given community - without having to take the extreme, and often unconstitutional step, of actually outlawing it. Nudist parks and resorts have frequently been the target of this technique. It's happening right now in southwest Florida's Collier County, near the city of Naples and practically on the border of the Everglades. County commissioners are trying to require "special permits" to operate nudist facilities anywhere in the county, even in rural areas. This is affecting a club known as Southern Exposure which is already in existence, as well as a new resort which nudist Louis Stirns is trying to establish. Nudists have sued the county, and testimony taken in that suit has shown that the commissioners actually know little about nudism. Their attitude is they don't need to, with one commissioner quoted as saying, "I don't think you have to work at an asphalt plant to know you don't want one by your house."[...]